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Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Page 10

  “No offence to your wine tastes, but the one I brought will complement the food.” He smiles and opens the bottle, pouring me and himself glass.

  “If you say so.” I murmur and take a tentative sip.

  “What do you think?” He smiles.

  “I think it’s one of the best white wines I’ve ever tasted.” I grin softly.

  “One of the best?” He queries and raises his eyebrow.

  “I take it that the bottle was quite pricey?”

  “Just a little.”

  “Doesn’t mean it’s the best.” I taunt and smile more at the memory of something than because I’m in his company.

  “Where are your thoughts?” he asks as he leans on the counter.

  “The best wine I’ve ever had was on my birthday four years ago. Spencer took me to a winery and had a bottle made in my name. I have no idea what the wine was or what was in it, but it was amazing. That whole day was amazing.” I smile fondly.

  “I’m sure the company had something to do with the wine tasting so good.” He chuckles.

  “Maybe.” I shrug and take a glance at my phone, but no new messages.

  “He’ll come around.” He smiles reassuringly.

  “I hope you’re right.”


  The Next Day

  Well last night was interesting.

  After my last text to Spencer, I didn’t hear from him at all which put a downer on the rest of the night. Valentine turned out to be a really nice guy and didn’t try anything, not even an end of the night kiss. I was probably incredibly boring in comparison to the women he usually sees. I found out that he’s a nightclub owner and is in fact, the very same nightclub owner that I have to interview for the magazine in a week's time. At least I won’t be as nervous when the time comes to interviewing him one on one now that I know him.

  He reassured me that Spencer would come around and that he was just upset because someone stepped onto his territory. That much seems pretty obvious to me, but Spencer has never reacted this way before. Valentine said I’d understand soon enough. Men confuse the fuck out of me, both he and Spencer are being way too cryptic to my liking.

  Valentine and I spent the evening talking and getting to know each other. He’s rather funny and nice and I'm sure he'll be a good catch for some woman, but not me. He seems to be the perfect man but doesn’t want to settle down and is way too much of a manwhore for my liking. I still can't believe Spencer was spot on with his description of my neighbor.

  By the end of the night we both agreed to be friends as it seems pretty natural. I really appreciate that because, besides Spencer and my friends from work, I don’t have anyone else. He’s even invited me to the opening night of his club, which is a very selective evening. It’ll be amazing for my article and my boss will be impressed as he didn’t manage to get in. It was invite only and no press was invited so I’ll be getting the exclusive. At least something is looking up…

  It’s Sunday morning and I still haven’t heard from Spencer. This is the longest time we've spent without so much as a text. We are usually in constant contact. I decide to shoot him a quick text before I get to work on my questions for my Untamed Shadows interview later today. It's a bit weird to do the interview on a Sunday, but it was the only day they were available.

  Me: Hey Spence. I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have accepted his invitation when we already had plans. Want to hang out later when I’m done with my interview?

  I grab my iPad and start listing a couple of questions but they all sound immature and unprofessional. I try to focus but quickly lose all concentration when Spencer doesn’t answer me. I guess he’s still with his slut from last night. I sigh to myself. When did I become so jealous of the people he sleeps with? Or maybe I’m just jealous of the fact that all the people in my life are having fun and meeting their One and I’m still single.

  Twenty minutes later and I still don’t have any good questions. I throw my iPad on the coffee table and go make myself a coffee. My phone pings as I reach the kitchen and I rush back to the couch to see if it's Spencer texting me back. I’ve become the type of women I hate; the ones that look at their phones every two minutes to see if their boyfriend has text them. I scold myself but still check it.

  Spencer: Hey Love. No you shouldn’t have. Broke my heart. Can’t hang out tonight. I have two clients.

  Me: Massages don’t take four hours Spencer. If you don’t want to hang out with me just say so.

  Spencer: How did it go last night?

  Me: Stop avoiding my questions and nothing happened.

  Spencer: Realized he was a douchebag?

  Me: No, he’s actually a really nice guy.

  Spencer: Right. I have to get back to work. I’ll call you tonight or tomorrow. Have fun with your interview, you’re going to kill it xo

  Me: Fine. Thanks xo

  I drop my phone on the couch and my heart sinks. He’s never this distant or cold with me. I wish I could turn back time and forget all about that note and Valentine. Nothing would have changed between Spencer and I and we would having a night in tonight. I don’t get why he’s making such a big deal out of it, or maybe I’m missing something. Either way, it’s fucking up my mood and my day. All I want to do is crawl into bed and forget about this damn interview.

  I look at the time and see that I only have an hour before my interview. This is going to suck big time. I’m sitting at the kitchen counter with my iPad in front of me, my phone on my left, a huge cup of caramel coffee on my right and a cronuts from yesterday in my hand. I eat them, not wanting to let them go to waste, but it’s bittersweet. I was supposed to share them with Spencer. I sigh and try to come up with some questions that would make it sound like I know what I’m talking about but my mind isn’t into it at all. I jump when my phone starts ringing. I’m so focused on my staring competition with my iPad willing the questions to just appear on the screen that I’m not paying attention to my surroundings. I answer the call instantly, not checking the caller ID.

  “Hey Spence,” I say cheerily.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not Spencer, it’s Jensen.” A voice chuckles down the phone.

  “Jensen?” I ask confused.

  “Untamed Shadows?”

  “Oh shit! I’m so sorry.” I laugh nervously.

  “No worries, I’m calling because we’re going to have to postpone the interview. We had a gig out of state and our van has broken down so we won’t make it back in time. We are all sorry to do this to you.” He sighs, I can tell by his voice that he feels bad.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make a short note in the magazine that it’ll be postponed to the next issue. How was the show though?”

  “Are you sure that’s okay? We don’t want you to get into trouble.”

  “I’m sure, don’t worry.” I smile, relieved that I don’t have to focus on work today.

  “Did you forget to prepare for the interview?” he asks.

  “Maybe?” We both end up laughing. “I’m so sorry, something came up in my personal life and I just couldn’t focus and come up with some questions other than the generic ones you always get.”

  “Ha! Knew it.” He laughs. “Don’t worry, we’re used to the same questions. Glad we could be of help so you don’t have to work on a Sunday.”

  “You guys are the best. When are you back in town next?” I ask before taking a sip of my coffee.

  “Let me check quickly.” I hear him look through some papers. “We’re back in two weeks. Is that alright for you and your schedule?”

  “Yes, that’s perfect, I’ll be able to ask you questions about the mini tour then. This has actually worked out really well for the both of us.” I smile at this nice turn of events.

  “Great. We’re all looking forward to it. I hope your personal problem fixes itself soon.”

  “Ah, thank you. I hope so too.”

  “Talk soon, I’ll let you know closer to the time if we have anymore
issues like this.”

  “Hopefully you won’t but yes, I’d appreciate it. Talk soon.” We hang up and I sigh with relief as I turn off my iPad and put it to the side. At least I don’t have to worry about this for a couple of weeks. I grab my phone and write a quick email to my boss telling him about the postponed interview and why it was necessary, explaining how it’ll be after their first major show in Denver and that it actually works out for the better because it would give more depth to the article if I can get their thoughts on touring. Hopefully he won’t mind.

  I grab my laptop, phone and coffee and sit on the couch, turning on the TV for some background noise before I start yet more research and reply to a couple of emails. Might as well get this out of the way and keep myself busy so I’m not constantly thinking about Spencer.

  I get so sucked into work that I don’t realize how long I’ve been sat there and by the time I actually take a break, it’s starting to get dark outside. I check my phone and see it’s already six and I still haven’t heard from Spencer.

  I take a quick bathroom break and of course that’s the moment someone picks to ring the intercom.

  “Hold on a minute! For fuck’s sake.” I mumble under my breath and rush to answer as the person keeps ringing it. At first I think it’s Spencer, even if he has a key to my place, he still keeps buzzing to be let in. I answer and see Matt’s face pop up on the screen, my smile falters slightly. “Hey Matt.”

  “Hey Gorgeous, care to let me up? I have food and wine!” He sings down the camera at me.

  “Sure.” I giggle as he makes some funny faces. “It’s a good look on you, Matt.”

  “I know, any look is good on myself. Be up in two.” He disappears from view. I open the door an inch so he can get in whenever he makes it up the stairs whilst making sure Bernard can’t escape. I use the two minutes it takes for him to get up here to tidy up the place so it doesn’t look like I’ve been sat on my ass all day.

  “Knock, knock.” His cheery voice resonates in the apartment.

  “Hey there.” I smile walking to him.

  “Looks like someone is having a rough Sunday.” He sets everything down and hugs me.

  “More like a rough weekend.” I sigh and hug him back.

  “Trouble with the neighbor?” He looks at me and raises his eyebrow. “Something needs to be done about your eyebrows, I’m sure that’s why you’re all mopey.” He shakes his head looking serious as ever.

  “Leave my eyebrows alone.” I frown.

  “I will when you let me pluck them.” He beams and kisses my head. “What’s wrong?”

  I sigh. “I met my neighbor yesterday, and so did Spencer. I don’t know what happened exactly but he got mad and left and has been avoiding me ever since.”

  “That’s not good. You really have no idea why he got mad?” He looks at me as if I’m stupid.

  “No, why? Do you know something I don’t?” I raise my eyebrow at him, giving him the same look he’s just given me.

  “Looks like I do.” He looks at my eyebrows disapprovingly and disappears in the bathroom. It’s not long before he emerges brandishing a pair of tweezers as if they were a sword.

  “What do you know that I don’t?”

  “I can’t tell you, Gorgeous. You need to figure this one out on your own.” He grabs my hand and directs me to the couch. “Lay down with your head on my lap,” he says as he sits down and pats his lap. I comply because I don’t have the energy to protest.

  “Why is everybody being so bloody cryptic with me? Ouch! For fuck’s sake a bit of warning would have been appreciated.” I rub my eyebrow.

  “I’m plucking.” He chuckles. “Because it’s not something someone can just tell you, you have to figure things out on your own.”

  “So you heard from Spencer?” I look up at him and frown when he plucks a few more hairs.

  “Yes, he called me and asked if I had heard from you. We talked for a while and he asked me to come check on you.”

  “Why couldn’t he come and check on me himself?” I ask disappointed that my best friend would send someone else.

  “He’s busy.” Matt shrugs.

  “Busy fucking one of his sluts.” I yelp as Matt tugs a stubborn hair. “That one hurt!”

  “Sorry. Jealous?” He smirks. I don’t think he’s sorry one bit, bastard.

  “Maybe.” I sigh.

  “Do tell.” He grins like the Cheshire cat.

  “None of your business, you’ll go running to him to tell him that I’m jealous, he doesn’t need the ego boost.”

  “My lips are sealed. Come on.” He encourages and I look up at him, debating whether I should tell him or not.

  “I’m just…I don’t know…I’m confused lately. The few friends I have are either in a loving relationship or have friends with benefits and here I am on my own and it blows. I just want to be happy and have someone I can share the little everyday things with. All of Spence’s hook ups never bothered me before, well I never used to pay much attention to them but I don’t know if it’s a matter of me being jealous that he has people in his life other than me, or because it's not me?” I say in one long rushed breath.

  “Or you’re in love with Spencer.” Mat snickers and plucks a few more hairs which cause me to yelp again. “Sorry.” He grins sheepishly.

  “Sorry my ass! And no, I’m not in love with Spencer.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Are you sure? Sounds like it to me.” He shrugs.

  “We talked about it; it would be really awkward if anything were to ever happen between us.”

  “Would it?” He brushes my eyebrows and proudly smiles at his work.

  “Yeah, I think so. He’s like a brother to me.”

  “If you say so.” He helps me up and pulls me in for a hug. “I’m always here if you wanna talk.” He winks at me.

  “Thanks Matt, I appreciate it.” I kiss his cheek and wander to the bag of food he left on the counter when he came in. My heart sinks when I see a bacon cheeseburger from Park Burger Highlands.

  “Is there something wrong with the burger?” He looks at me confused having followed me into the kitchen.

  “No, it’s just the place where Spencer always gets our burgers.” I give him a half smile.

  “You have it so fucking bad for him.” He snickers and hugs me.

  “Stop it. I don’t.” I elbow him in the stomach and take our food to the couch.

  “Keep lying to yourself, Gorgeous, you’re the one hurting.” He opens the bottle of wine and pours us a glass each.

  We spend the rest of the evening eating and watching crappy reality TV shows but my mind isn’t focusing on the TV, it’s going crazy thinking about what Matt said.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at work. Have a good night.” He hugs me and kisses my head as he leaves.

  “See you tomorrow.” I smile at him and watch him walk down the stairs. As I’m about to close my door, a hand stops me. I open the door again and am greeted by Valentine’s smile. “Hey.”

  “Everything good?” He looks at me concerned.

  “Yes, why?” I look at him confused.

  “Just checking on my favorite neighbor.” He smiles.

  “I’m your only neighbor.”

  “That’s why you’re my favorite. How are things with Spencer?”

  I shake my head. “He still won’t talk to me.”

  “Want me to give him a call?” He offers.

  “No, I’ll try to call him tomorrow, if he still won’t hear me out then maybe.” I give him a small smile.

  “Alright. I hope I didn’t ruin a good relationship.” He sighs.

  “I still don’t know what Spencer’s problem is with you.”

  “You’ll figure it out.” He smiles.

  “Ugh, you, Matt and Spencer all suck with your secrets and crap! Why don’t men know not to be so mysteriously annoying with women? Are you going to let me sleep tonight?” I raise my eyebrow.

  “Yes, no company tonight.” He pouts and
I chuckle.

  “That’s a shocker.”

  “I know! I’m a little surprised myself.” He smiles. “Have a good night, Haven.”

  “Thanks Val, you too.” I smile and close the door, locking it behind me.

  I quickly clean up and start my usual bedtime routine before climbing straight into bed. I desperately need a good night of sleep, but truth is, needing and getting are two completely different things. Sleep doesn’t come that easily when your mind is running a marathon.

  I don’t know what’s going on between me and Spence. It’s hurting and confusing at the same time. I can’t, nor do I want to, ever imagine my life without him. He's the only one I can be myself with, he always makes me happy and I feel like I can conquer the world with his continuous support. He makes me feel alive and…oh shit, I’m in love with Spencer.

  The realization hits me, hard, like a ton of freaking bricks. I knew I always loved him but never thought I’d ever be in love with him. I never even entertained the thought out of fear of ruining our friendship. Looking back on things, I've always been a bit jealous of the people he's been with. Even if there aren’t any real feelings involved in his hook ups, it still kills me. I always thought it was just because of his promiscuity and freedom. Now I'm realizing that it runs a lot deeper.

  I feel stupid and relieved at the same time. Of course I had to realize all of this when he's not talking to me. Hello Karma? You're a bitch. I suppose at least I know how I feel, that's a good thing, right? But what do I do? Do I tell him and risk what we have, or keep it to myself and internally crumble whenever he has one of his encounters, or worse, finally meets someone. I mean he’s only twenty seven, he’s bound to meet The One someday. Who knows who it could be?

  I fall asleep thinking about Spencer and what to do. Sleep takes its sweet time to claim me, and a part of me wishes Valentine was fucking someone tonight because that would provide some distraction from the thoughts that are running around in my mind.


  The Next Day

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  I groan as I wake up to the noise from next door. I look at my alarm clock and see it’s only two minutes before seven. Fucking Valentine has just robbed me of two minutes of sleep. I bang on the wall loudly with my fist.