Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

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  I wake up to Bernard sitting on my chest and licking my cheek. I guess with my headphones in I didn’t hear any of my alarms. I wake up grumpy and still sexually frustrated.

  I start my morning with my usual routine: bathroom, Bernard’s food, shower and then get dressed. As happy as I was last night, I feel miserable now. I need my sleep for fuck’s sake. I groan and bend down to pet Bernard before I leave.

  “I’ll see you tonight buddy,” I tell him before locking up. I walk down the stairs and hear a door slam behind me. I don’t know who it was, but looks like I’m not the only one having a rough morning. I decide to walk to work today, today Tuesday so I should be safe on my way to work, and not suffer at the hands of Monday! I even dared to wear my new heels. They are amazing little black boots with two buckles on the sides and cut outs by the heel.

  I smile when I feel the crisp air hit my skin and look up at the bright blue sky. Looks like this day is going to be a bit better than I expected.

  I walk all the way to work, which is actually a lot closer than I thought. Moving here was a smart decision despite my noisy neighbors, I’m saving petrol and working out at the same time. It’s a double win. Although there are quite a few bakeries on my way to work that smell like heaven. I must resist the temptation! God, that is going to be hard to do twice a day.

  I give into temptation as I stop for a coffee and buy myself a cream cheese bagel for breakfast. I need to find something to eat before I leave in the morning or the little weight I’ll lose walking to work while come back on with a vengeance.

  I suddenly stop and scold myself. I probably look like a mad woman to the people around me. I’m doing exactly what I used to do when I was with the dipshit. I need to change the way I think of myself. If I want to allow myself a treat, I’ll do so. I’ll workout harder but I’ll stop restricting myself and will eat what I want. Spencer would be proud. I grab my phone and text him, knowing that he’ll want to hear about my revelation.

  Me: Morning Sunshine, you’ll be proud, had an epiphany. If I want a treat, I’ll allow myself to have it and stop starving myself to please the next fucker I’ll meet.

  Spencer: Morning Rainbow, about fucking time! I’ve been telling you this for years! Lunch on Thursday? On me.

  Me: Can’t do lunch this week :-( I have meetings back to back. Can do next Tuesday though. I’m all free.

  Spencer: Sounds good to me. Are we still on for our movie night?

  Me: Did you really think you’d be rid of me this easily?

  Spencer: You’re the one not able to do lunch this week, not me!

  Me: Fair enough. Just got to work. I’ll text you later. Have a nice day my ray of sunshine <3

  Spencer: You too my little Leprechaun <3

  Me: Leprechaun? FFS Spence! I know I’m a red head but still!

  Spencer: Just kidding! You know I love you <3

  Me: You’re lucky I do. Laterz sucker!

  Spencer: Nutter.

  I giggle as I walk into the large office. All of our desks are making a circle with a big plant in the middle. It's quite a nice, open layout. We can all chat and see each other when we take a break or need something but can also block each other out when we need to concentrate. It helps make things more casual.

  “Well someone’s in a good mood,” Matt chuckles. “Did you get any last night?” He was the only one who saw me walk into the office and now I have everyone looking up at me. Thanks for that, fucker.

  “Oh do tell us everything about your night, Have.” Shane, one of my other co-workers, asks.

  “I didn’t get any. Next door neighbor did though.” I frown.

  “Loud fuckers?” Alicia asks.

  “Yeah, they decided to be really vocal at two o’clock this morning and didn’t stop for an hour. I ended up putting my headphones on just so I could fall back to sleep.” I sigh and plop down into my chair.

  “You should have banged on the wall or better yet, gone to their door and yell at them.” Shane grins.

  “I banged on the wall and it did fuck all. I thought of going over there but gave up. I didn’t have the heart to go and tell them off for having a better sex life than me.” I shrug and take a bite of my bagel.

  “Hopefully it won’t be like that every night,” Matt says, patting my back.

  “I hope so.” I smile and turn on my computer.

  I try to focus on work, but I’m struggling. I’m so tired. I’m one of those people that once their sleep is disturbed, they are ruined for the day. I’ve been staring at my computer blankly for the past thirty minutes, the words for this article about an up and coming band just aren’t coming to me. They are releasing their first EP next month and I was invited to the listening party last week, which was interesting. It’s not exactly my type of music, but they are definitely good at what they do. The singer has an amazing voice and they are all supermodel hot. They were all heavily tattooed and pierced, and I’m not judging, but it was all a bit too much for me. One of the guys even had his tongue split into two to make it look like a snake’s tongue which made me physically shudder and then turn red with embarrassment. I was mortified, but luckily it made him laugh. Lincoln, their bass player, is a total sweetheart and a complete weirdo at the same time. Although I’m sure I’m a weirdo to him too considering I went to a listening party for a metal band wearing peg trousers, Louboutin's, a white button down shirt and a blazer. I could have at least put on a leather jacket, but no, not me. I decided to go for the all professional looking.

  I sigh and give up trying to write until after lunch, maybe inspiration will come with food. I have my notes, I just can’t bring myself to write. Rock/Metal isn’t my type of music so it’s a bit hard for me to give my opinion about it without being ignorant or unintentionally critical.

  I'm sat there, staring at my computer, willing the words to magically appear on my screen when I feel something connect with my head, pulling me back to reality.

  “And she’s back amongst us!” Matt chuckles. I look around and see the pencil he threw at me.

  “You and these damn pencils, one of these days I’m gonna shove one up your ass!” I grumble as I flip him off.

  “Careful. I might enjoy it.” He smirks and I roll my eyes as I throw the offending pencil back at him.

  “You suck!”

  “Yes, I do, and I’m very good at it according to John.” He grins smugly.

  “TMI, Matt, TMI.” I giggle.

  “Stuck on an article?” Alicia asks, changing the subject as she looks at my blank page.

  “Yeah. I went to the Untamed Shadows listening party last week and whilst it was great and I had fun, it’s not my type of music. I’m not sure how to write about it. I don’t want to sound like an idiot.” I shrug.

  “Did you have a good time? Was it fun? Were they fun?” She presses.

  “Yeah. It was brilliant. Loads of other journalists were there as well and the band was amazing. We got the chance to hear them play their debut album live so it was pretty cool. They are all very sweet guys.”

  “There you go, start off with that and then what you think of each title. Then like a line or two per song and your overall opinion about them and how they handled it. Oh and your thoughts on the whole thing.” She smiles.

  “You’re a life savior.” I smile. “It just feels scary to write about something I know so little about. I don’t want to write anything that could hinder their reputation.”

  “Don’t worry. I can read it over before you send it to be published if you want,” Matt offers.

  “You would?” I look at him hopeful.

  “Of course I will.” He smiles.

  “We all will, Have. That’s what we do when one of us isn’t sure about an article.” Shane smiles.

  “Well that’s reassuring.” I grin wide and clap my hands together. “I need food. Who wants to go out for lunch? I walk past a Thai restaurant twice a day that looks amazing.” Everyone instantly raises their hand.

  “Looks li
ke that’s settled then.” Matt chuckles. We all save our work, or our blank pages, and log off our sessions. I grab my bag and jacket and link arms with Matt as we walk out of the office.

  We get to the restaurant and are seated at one of the outside tables next to an open fire.

  “So, what does Mr. I-Can-Make-Women-Scream-Their-Lungs-Out-For-Hours look like, Have?” Matt asks seriously, making Shane, Alicia and Jorge snicker.

  “Shut up you lot! And no comments about how much your partners enjoy your technique I beg you.” I shake my head and I’m met with three disappointed faces staring at me and Alicia's smiling face.

  “Well my wife is really good at it in case you were wondering,” Shane says with a huge shit eating grin on his face.

  “Ugh men, they’re all pigs,” Alicia exclaims and we high five each other.

  “Amen, sister,” I retort, making the men laugh.

  “We just love teasing you and it’s all in good fun. So, about that neighbor of yours?” Shane presses.

  “Well I haven’t actually seen him yet. I just moved in at the weekend and last night was the first time I had any indication that I had a neighbor. It wasn’t the way I wanted to find out. Although, there seemed to be trouble in paradise this morning. There are three apartments in the part of the building I’m in and one seems to be still unoccupied, but as I was walking down the stairs, I heard one of the front doors slammed. So either they had a fight or it was a one night stand and someone wasn’t happy when they found out.” I snicker.

  “Well I hope for your sake it’s a one night stand. It’s better that way. Imagine that if it’s a couple, they could be fighting or fucking daily. If it’s a one night stand then you’ll hear noises from time to time and not all women are loud.” Matt shrugs.

  “Thanks for the encouraging words, I’m not sure if I should be worried or reassured.” I chuckle.

  “You need to find out what your neighbor looks like, I wanna know if he’s a hottie or just an old, fat, hairy man with a wife that’s faking it.” Alicia pouts.

  “Eww! Thank you for that mental image.” I shudder.

  “Not even sorry!” She grins.

  “What did I get myself into saying yes to this job?” I shake my head and take a sip of my iced tea.

  “Lots of fun and good times, Gorgeous,” Matt says and winks at me.

  “That’s true. I never had this much fun at my old place, I feel like I’ve known you guys for years instead of just over a week.”

  “I know, it’s crazy. I’m so glad I’m not the only girl anymore. These guys are big bullies,” Alicia says, looking at the three men surrounding us and gives each of them the evil eyes.

  “You both love us dearly so stop acting like you don’t.” Shane taunts us and throws one of the coated peanuts at us.

  “Don’t waste food!” I say appalled and catch it before it falls on the ground and pop it into my mouth. I pause mid bite and smile to myself as I remember Spencer telling me the same thing when I threw pasta at him.

  “Why are you smiling? Good peanut? You like nuts? Nuts in your face and mouth?” Matt asks making all of us laugh.

  “You are a fucking pervert! And no, just a friend of mine said the same thing to me a couple of days ago.” I smile sadly.

  “What? Nuts in your mouth?” Matt looks at me confused.

  “No! Don’t waste food.” I giggle.

  “Ah, I see. You miss that friend.” He smiles back.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Boyfriend material?” Shane asks, waggling his eyebrows at me.

  “No, we’ve known each other since we were in diapers. He’s like a brother to me. We just lived together a few years ago and then again for two weeks before I moved into my apartment. It’s weird not seeing him every day.” I shrug.

  Our food is brought out and it’s a feast of heavenly Thai food laid in front of us. The waitress announces each dish and wishes us what I’m guessing is ‘enjoy your food’ in Thai or maybe she told us to go fuck ourselves and that she has spat in our food. We all immediately dig in and smile at each other like loons as the food hits our taste buds.

  “Is he hot?” Alicia grins.

  “Who? Spencer?” I look at her confused.

  “If that’s your friend’s name then yes.”

  “He’s too good looking for his own good. He knows it too but he’s not cocky about it. Although he does enjoy showing off his body.” I giggle and show her a picture of me and Spence that was taken just before I moved out. He’s wearing his usual grey sweatpants and nothing else on and I’ve got on my gym shorts and a tank top.

  “Fuck me, he’s hot!” Alicia exclaims as she fans herself. “And look at you. If I were into women I’d fuck you.” She grins and I blush. There’s something weird about a woman saying she finds you hot and that she’d fuck you if she bat for that team.

  “Let us see,” Matt says extending his hand to see my phone and chuckles when he sees the picture.

  “He’s hot, that’s for sure. He has a big dick that he knows how to use as well.” He smirks.

  “Oh no. Please tell me you didn’t fuck him.” I look at him in disbelief.

  “It was a couple of years ago. We were at a party, got along and fucked. Neither of us wanted a relationship so we just saw each other casually. He was understanding when I told him I had met someone and couldn’t do it anymore. He’s a good guy. Is he still single?” I’m shocked at Matt’s confession, not because I don’t approve of their sexual preferences, but because I had no idea they knew each other.

  “Unfortunately so. He’s really confused about his sexuality.” I pout.

  Matt nods. “I hope he’ll find someone one day. I didn’t know him for long but it’s clear that he only wants to be happy and would do anything to make others happy. It’s a shame and a mystery that he hasn’t met anyone yet.”

  “I was telling him the same thing a couple of days ago.” I smile sadly.

  “Well, I’m all about making him happy if you know what I mean.” Alicia snickers next to me and I can’t help but join in.

  “Who knows? He swings both ways so...” I shrug.

  We carry on eating and chatting and pretty much finish all the food but as we’re running out of time, we get our dessert to go to eat at our computers.

  When we get back to work I finally find the inspiration to write my article, which ends up being longer than I what I originally intended to write. I poured my heart out into it and it’s at least a double page spread which means I’ll be able to add more pictures and give them more exposure as the article will be closer to the beginning of the magazine. I smile, feeling proud of myself and forward the article to my co-workers. I still have two days before I need to send it to the editor for publishing, so it should give them some time to read it and give me some feedback.

  Four hours later we all clock out at the same time and bid each other good night. As I’m walking away from the building and onto another street, a car slows down and honks. Spencer constantly reminds me to never top when a car slows down next to me and honks. I look for my pepper spray in my bag and start to panic when I can’t find it straight away. My search becomes frantic until I find it and sigh with relief. I hold it tightly in my hand, ready to spray whoever comes at me.

  “Stop freaking out, Gorgeous, it’s Matt.” I hear him chuckle and I curse. I turn and glare at him.

  “You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing, you big creep?” I walk to his car as he stops on the side of the road.

  “Offering you to drop you off since it’s dark outside and probably not that safe. Come on. Get in.” He smiles at me.

  “I only live a couple of blocks away and it’s a ni-” I start but groan when I feel the first few drops of rain hit me.

  “You were saying?” He grins at me smugly.

  “Never mind.” I round the car and get in. “Thank you.” I smile at him as I settle into the seat.

  “You’re welcome.” He smiles and starts driving. �
�You know, if you’re still frustrated by your neighbors I could introduce you to a couple of my friends who are single. They could help you put out the fire that’s consuming you.” He waggles his eyebrows.

  “Is sex the only thing you think about?” I deadpan.

  “No.” He laughs. “I was just offering. I have a few friends who are single and are good men. I wouldn’t introduce you to a dickhead. We might not know each other that well yet, but I already consider you to be one of my good friends. I want you to be happy and if I can help you with that by introducing you to one of my friends, then why not?” He shrugs and I see his point. Argh, I hate it when men are right. They get all smug about it when you give them the tiniest inkling that they were right.


  “Ha! I knew it, you want a long and hard fuck.”

  I groan loudly and punch his arm. “You’re a horrible man, you know that right?”

  “Nope, I’m the best. You’re just grumpy because you can’t have me.” He snorts.

  “If I wanted to, I’m sure I could make you want me.” I smirk all full of confidence, well fake confidence but I guess I’m doing good considering the look on his face.

  “As much as I love a bit of a challenge, I love John more. I’m so sorry to crush your ego.” He mimics me and we both laugh. “How about I set you up on a blind date with a friend of mine? He’s thirty, lean muscles, no tattoos, he’s a teacher, he’s hot and has been single for a few months.”

  “What does he teach?” I ask, suddenly intrigued by Vincent’s description.

  “Trigonometry.” We both shudder.

  “That could be a real mood killer you know. If he tried to hit on me with a cosine, or whatever it was, geeky pick up line.” I chuckle.

  “It’s worth the try. So? What do you say?” He grins looking of himself.

  “Sure, why not? I might as well give it a try as clearly I can’t find myself a decent man.”

  “That’s settled. I’ll let you know tomorrow when he’s free.” He smiles and parks in front of my building.

  “Thank you for dropping me off and I’m free any night but Friday and Saturday.” I smile and kiss his cheek.

  “Ohhhh going in for the kiss aren’t we, I already told you no.” He chuckles and kisses my cheek. “I’ll let him know.” He winks. “Goodnight, Gorgeous.”