Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?”

  “Maybe I have, but what if they’re even louder next time?”

  “You go out there, bang on the door and tell him to buy her a ball gag.” He laughs clearly proud of himself.

  “You’re such a weirdo.” I sigh.

  “So? What do you say?” He looks at me expectedly.


  “I cracked you!” He throws his arms up in victory.

  “This is going to be really awkward.”

  “Why? It’s going to be fun. Remember when we made out so our parents would get off our backs that we weren't dating?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking about. It was as awkward as hell.”

  “A little but you were a good kisser.” He shrugs and helps me up before walking me to my room.

  “Yeah, we were supposed to fake it and you kissed me for real, you even gave me a hickey!” I chuckle remembering that day.

  “You loved it and every girl at school was jealous.”

  “Yeah I remember that. Melina was mad when she saw us walk in holding hands.”

  “Good times.” He chuckles and lies on my bed, patting the space next to him. I roll my eyes and join him, lying flat on my back, unsure what to do. “Let’s wait and see if they start up again.” He chuckles.

  “Not my idea to do this.”

  “Yet here we are, about to fake it.” He waggles his eyebrows and brushes his fingers over my thigh. My skin instantly breaks out in goose bumps. “I’ve still got it with the ladies.” He smirks at me.

  I slap his hand away. “Keep your hands to yourself young man.” I lie on my front resting my head on my pillow.

  “You’re taking the fun out of this, Love.”

  “It’s supposed to be fake remem-” This time it’s not Spencer cutting me off but the couple next door. “I don’t think it’s the same woman as the other night,” I whisper.

  “Why are you whispering?” Spencer whispers back loudly.

  “I don’t know.” I keep whispering.

  “Think he’s cheating or that he’s a manwhore?” Spencer snickers.

  “I’m not sure. To be honest. I’m not sure last night was the same woman either.” I frown.

  “Manwhore for sure.” Spencer is clearly amused by all of this. “What do you think he looks like?”

  “I don’t know but I’m sure he’s using a little blue pill or something. Last time he lasted at least an hour. I shit you not.”

  “It doesn’t turn you on?” He looks at me skeptical.

  “Yes it does, I’m human, Spence. I just don’t want to masturbate to the sound of my neighbor fucking. That’s disturbing. What if I do and then discover it’s an old couple.” I shudder.

  “Good point, but I don’t think they are. They don’t sound old.”

  “And what do they sound like to you Mr. Sexpert?” I snicker.

  “Tall, broad shoulders, tattoos of course, blond hair slid back, bit of a beard, nice defined muscles but not too built, kinda like me. Blue eyes, nice lips and no nippledick, that’s for sure.” He chuckles.

  “You’re describing the perfect man.” I sigh dreamily. “What do you think she looks like?”

  “I know.” He grins. “I hope that’s what he looks like. I can’t believe you still haven’t seen him. Hmm, what about her? Let's see, tall, blonde bimbo, big fake boobs and fake everything.”

  “I know. I could’ve last night had I not checked on Bernard before walking out the door. I heard the door to his place close just after I walked out.” I shrug and jump when the woman screams in pleasure.

  “Time to work our magic. Are you ready?” Spencer smirks.

  “Do I really have a choice?” I question him, already full well knowing the answer.

  “Nope.” He chuckles and starts fake moaning.

  On one side of the wall it sounds a bit like this: Thump. Moan. Thump. Moan. Thump. Moan. Moan. Moan. Scream. Giggle. Thump. Thump. Groan.

  On our side of the wall it sounds more like this: Moan. Moan. Giggle because I can’t help it. Moan. Moan. Moan. Yes, that’s it Spencer, fuck me harder. Giggle. Moan. Moan. Moan. Yes baby, you like it hard.

  I’m trying not to laugh but it’s too difficult. Especially when Spencer thinks it’s a good idea to scream ‘Suck my big dick baby’. I lose it completely and burst out laughing which causes Spencer to shove my face into my pillow.

  I yelp when I feel Spencer’s hand connect hard with my ass before actually moaning in pleasure, loudly as well.

  “Who knew you liked it rough.” He chuckles and keeps fake moaning. I shake my head and him and join in. It’s becoming a battle of who can moan the loudest and say the dirtiest things.

  I sit up and see Bernard sitting at the foot of the bed, looking between the two of us, clearly judging us. He decides he’s had enough and hops off the bed, strutting away into the living room.

  We hear a loud thump from the other side and the woman scream in pure ecstasy, or maybe he’s just killed her and she liked it.

  We fake our orgasm, Spencer more into it and vocal than me.

  “This was actually kind of fun. Next time call me. I’ll come straight away.” Spencer chuckles.

  “What if you have company?” I raise my eyebrow.

  “I’ll drop who I’m doing and come over. This is way too entertaining to miss.”

  “Not for my ass. It’s going to be sore tomorrow.” I rub the spot he spanked and get up.

  “You loved it, don’t lie. That moan wasn’t fake.” He smirks.

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom. I do my business, brush my teeth and come back to the bedroom.

  “Don’t whatever me. I now know you like it rough. It’s good information to have.” He chuckles.

  “Why is that good to know?”

  “Because I can find a better suited guy for you now that I know this. Not everyone is into spanking and all that stuff.” He shrugs.

  “I wouldn’t know.” I sigh and get under the covers.

  “What do you mean? I know we talk about everything but I can’t say I know a lot about your sex life.”

  “Lack of sex life. I don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm that wasn’t battery assisted.”

  “We need to fix that. And don’t look at me like that. I don’t mean with me.” He chuckles and walks out of the room.

  He comes back a few minutes later with two bottles of water and Bernard. He sets him on the bed and the bottles of water on the nightstands either side of my bed.

  “I meant it. We need to find you someone who’ll make you explore your sexuality and enjoy it. Was Adam a nippledick?”

  “Yes, he was.” I chuckle.

  “Good. Serves him right. I hope it falls off.”

  “Me too.” I grin and cuddle into him as he wraps me in his arms.

  “You’ll be happy. Soon. I can feel it.” He smiles against my head.

  “I’m happy right now.”

  “I mean with the right guy. You’ll meet the one and be happy. Just don’t go forgetting me when it happens.” He smiles at me, caressing my cheek softly with the back of his hand.

  “I’ll never forget about you. Whoever will come into my life will know that Friday nights are ours. No matter how old we are. It’ll always be our night.”

  “Good.” He kisses my head and turns off the light.

  I hope he’s right. As happy as I am with my life the way it is, I can’t say I’m not jealous of my friends who are in relationships. I want to be able to share the little things with someone I love and who loves me back.

  One day maybe…



  I wake up to the sound of Uptown Funk and Bernard kneading my boobs.

  “Bernard. Get off.” I groan. It can’t be morning already! He meows in response. “Go bug Spencer.” He meows again. I turn my head and see that Spencer isn’t lying next to me anymore. A piece of paper is m
y bed buddy instead.


  Sorry I had to leave early. Work was calling. Call me later if you wanna have lunch or go shopping. I’ll be done by then.

  Love you,


  I smile at the note and groan when Bernard meows again. “Alright, alright. I’m up. Calm your little furry paws!” I get up and turn off my alarm and shoot a quick text to Spencer.

  Me: Lunch and shopping. Text me when you’re available and I’ll meet you somewhere. Love your face xo

  I stumble to the kitchen and refill both of Bernard’s bowls, giving him some canned tuna instead of his wet food. He loves it to my despair, it’s not the nicest smell first thing in the morning but it does beat the smell of his wet food. I wash my hands and make myself a cream cheese and smoked salmon bagel, along with a hot chocolate. Don’t judge! It’s the weekend I’m allowed to indulge.

  I take my plate and sit on the couch to watch the morning news. Something by the door catches my eye. I walk to it and see that it’s a piece of paper. I pick it up, thinking it’s a bill from a store that has fallen out of my bag, but to my surprise it’s not.

  Dear Unknown Neighbor,

  Last night’s prowess has made me want to get to know you. You sound like a fun time and I’m sure you know I’m always up for a good time. How about we meet one evening at your convenience to see if we can have fun together?

  Until I hear from you,

  Your neighbor who enjoys sex as much as you do.

  I can’t fucking believe it! He has some nerves to go out of his way to write this note in the hopes that I’ll say yes. I’m not going to lie, a part of me wants to know what he’s really like considering the amount of women who come to his place and the noises I’ve been hearing. He must be good, but what if he’s the opposite of what Spencer described? What if he is old, fat and bald? I cringe and go back to my bagel. I’ll deal with it later. Spencer will get a kick out of it, that’s for sure.

  I take my time in the bathroom. I might not have to impress anyone, but making yourself feel good and confident is strongly encouraged. I've been living with the fact that women need to dress to impress a man in case they are the one for them for too long. Thanks Mom for putting weird thoughts in my head for years, if I could I'd go back in time and kick my ass for believing her bullshit. If I want go out shopping in sweatpants with my hair scrapped up and no makeup, then I will!

  I’m brought back to reality by my phone alerting me to a message. I quickly jump out of the shower and roughly dry myself before checking the message.

  Spencer: Done with work, meet me at the Starbucks in the mall?

  Me: Sounds good to me, getting dressed. I’ll be there in 20.

  Spencer: Alright, see you in 40 :P

  Me: Ass!

  Spencer: No comment.

  I smile to myself and quickly get dressed and dry my hair. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction about me taking too long to get ready so I sort out my eyebrows and put on some mascara. As long as I don’t look like the undead, the rest isn’t important. I pull on some black skinny jeans and an off the shoulder sweater and combine them with my Chelsea boots and my leather jacket. I grab my bag, make sure Bernard has dry food and water and I head out the door, making sure I lock it behind myself. Midway down the stairs, I remember I didn’t grab the neighbor’s letter and quickly I backtrack up the stairs to quickly get it much to Bernard’s annoyance who was playing around with one of my bras. I scold him and quickly put the bra back in my drawer before locking him out of my bedroom and bathroom. I rush back out the door and head to the mall that’s literally at the end of my street.

  I make it just under twenty minutes and I don’t know who is more surprised, me or Spencer who is waiting outside Starbucks.

  “You never cease to surprise me.” Spencer chuckles and hugs me.

  “I know, I’m always full of surprises. How was work?” I ask as we break the hug and make our way inside.

  “It was work.” He chortles.

  “And what is work this time? You change job every single week.” I look at him suspiciously. “Are you a gigolo?” I grin innocently.

  “I can’t believe you would think that.” He feigns being outraged.

  “What? It’s a valid question. You love sex. You work from home and sometimes you travel for work. And you mostly work early in the morning or late at night.” I shrug.

  “Okay, okay. When you put it like that I can see why you would think that. But it’s a lot more boring than that.”

  “What are you doing then?” I look at him expectantly.

  “I’m a masseuse.”

  “Meh, masseuse, gigolo. Same thing, you get people naked and bring them pleasure.” I shrug and he laughs.

  “That’s one way to see things.” He shakes his head and orders our usual, giving our names as Bonnie and Clyde which the barista fails to laugh at.

  “How come you never gave me a massage?” I pout disappointed.

  “I gave you plenty of massages.”

  “Not a real proper massage where I lie down and think of nothing but relaxing thoughts and listen to the sound of Enya.” I sigh dreamily.

  “You always go to massage parlor so I thought you were set, although I was a bit annoyed you went to a chain.” He shrugs looking disappointed at me.

  “Well, you should have told me and I would have asked you from the beginning.” I argue.

  “Fair enough. I’ll be your masseuse from now on.” He tells me and pays for our order. We grab our coffees and walk out of the shop.

  “Score! Do I get them for free?” I grin sheepishly as we walk through the mall.

  “No, I’ll charge you extra just because you know me.”

  “How dare you.” I squint my eyes at him.

  “Like I’d ever let you pay.” He shakes his head.

  “I knew you were the best. Is that how you meet all your hook ups?”

  “Will you stop talking about my sex life? I know you live vicariously through it but still, it’s getting a bit stalkerish.” He looks at me with a straight face and we burst out laughing.

  “No way and you haven’t answered.”

  “No. I have never fucked a client.”

  “I’m mildly disappointed.” I giggle.

  “Why?” He looks confused.

  “I don’t know, it would be an easy way to meet someone.” I shrug.

  “Yes it would but even if I am my own boss, I don’t want to get into trouble.”

  “Good point.” I grin and link our arms as we walk through the mall.

  After walking around for an hour, buying two pairs of shoes and jeans each and countless accessories, yes, it’s dangerous for us to shop together, we decide on sushi for lunch. We stop at our favorite restaurant and grab a seat by the sushi train.

  “Did you hear anything more from your very sexually active neighbor this morning?” He asks just as our drinks and miso soup arrives. Our waitress looks at us before rushing off, clearly embarrassed by our topic of conversation. “Prude,” he mumbles under his breath.

  “Not everybody is as unashamed and carefree as you are.”

  “I know, I have the prime example next to me.” He grins looking at me.

  “Shut it, Spence.” I shake my head and eat my soup, moaning quietly as the delicious taste hits my tongue.

  “No chance in hell, so? Your neighbor?” He presses me.

  “Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you.” I grin and retrieve the note from my bag and hand it to him.

  “What’s this? What does it have to do with your neighbor?” He asks, looking at me in confusion.

  “Just read it.” I grin and carry on eating my soup, stealing his tofu as he reads the note.

  “This guy is a fucking legend. Literally.” He laughs aloud, earning us a couple of glares.

  “He’s a fucking creep!” I whisper loudly.

  “Hey, where did my tofu go?” He looks between me and his bowl.

  “Ran away when you laugh
ed like a mad man.” I grin innocently.

  “You’re lucky I love you.” He glares at me playfully.

  “I know, I know.” I smile.

  “What are you going to do about the note, little Miss Know It All?” He questions before eating the remainder of his soup.

  “Nothing? What do you want me to say? Yes?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “Your eyebrows need to be plucked, it’s a fucking bush up there and of course say yes!”

  “Leave my eyebrows alone and no way. I don’t know that guy, I still don’t know what he looks like and you know how I feel about fucking just for the sake of it. Besides, if he's in a relationship, that'd be awful, I don't want to be that woman,” I say perplexed and make a disgusted face.

  “I know, but you can’t deny that it’s flattering. He wants to fuck you, also not knowing what you look like, based on the simple fact that he loved the way you moaned and talked dirty.” He shrugs and starts picking a few sushi plates from the conveyor belt.

  “It’s flattering, I agree with you on that, but it’s creepy. I don’t know him and I don’t have sex with people without feelings.”

  “You don’t have sex with people you have feelings for either,” he says giving me a pointed look.

  “Adam was different. He wa-”

  “Don’t use the ‘Adam was different’ card with me. Adam was your boyfriend and you wouldn’t have sex with him. Don’t you like to have sex or what?” He looks at me horrified.

  “As I was saying before I was interrupted, he was always making comments about my weight and it made me feel uncomfortable about being naked around him. Besides, the sex wasn’t anything to rave about.” I sigh, slowly losing my appetite.

  “Don’t let him get you down again. He’s done it enough. You need to meet a guy who’ll make you feel special and will love you for you and your curves and crazy personality. You need to go out more in order to meet someone though,” he tells me, reminding me of a mother scorning her child.

  “I know, but you know how much I hate going out to bars and places like that.”

  “You don’t say.” He mocks. “I’ll take you out to a club one of these days and you’ll have fun. It’ll be just the two of us and we’ll dance and drink the night away.”