Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  “Glad you’re awake, Haven.” A muffled voice sounds from next door.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you!” I yell and hear Bernard hiss behind me. He’s clearly not happy to be woken up before his time either.

  “Have a good day.” I hear through the wall. What is a club owner doing up so early? It doesn’t make any sense. I groan again and get up. There’s no point trying to go back to sleep and snooze my ten alarms now. I mute my alarms and stumble to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. For once I have time so I go all out: scrambled eggs with bacon on an English muffin. I check my phone as the bacon cooks and my morning caramel coffee brews. I reply to a few messages on Facebook from people congratulating me on my articles. It’s good to have messages acknowledging my work. I scoff when I see the status my mother posted.

  Margret Lee: Some people have always been attention seeking and will always remain that way. Glad I got rid of that person a long time ago. Things could have been different had they chosen a different path.

  “Oh mother, you’re funny with your hidden messages.” I shake my head. I still don’t know why I ever accepted her friend request after what she did. Her bullshit doesn't affect me anymore. It’s funny to me more than anything else. She always does this, posting statuses with passive aggressive messages, trying to get to me but the truth is, I don’t care about her or my father anymore. The way they treated me and Spencer was disgusting and out of order. I’m better off without them in my life. Spencer is the only one I need in my life and I intend on getting him back in my life where he belongs, as boyfriend or best friend, I don't care, as long as he’s in my life I’ll be okay.

  I shoot him a quick text before I dig into my food.

  Me: Good morning. Don’t forget to call me today or you know I’ll hunt you down and harass you all day, blow up your social media feeds and your phone until you talk to me. Love your face xo

  Spencer: Morning Love, someone is in a good mood today. I’ll call you when I’m done with my clients. I have four today all over Denver so might not be until tonight. Xo

  Me: Woke up before my alarm went off and having scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. AND you answered me. It’s a good morning.

  Spencer: You? Waking up before your alarm went off? DA FUCK???!!!

  Me: HA HA aren’t you funny! Valentine woke me up by banging on the wall.

  Spencer: Him again…

  Me: What’s with you and Valentine? What’s your problem with him?

  Spencer: Not now.

  Me: Seriously? Again?

  Spencer: Besides having a ridiculous name for a man, he’s a douchebag.

  Me: You don’t know him.

  Spencer: Because you do?

  Me: You’re right, let’s not fight over text. Come over tonight for food? I’ll cook.

  Spencer: I’ll call you. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Last app is late afternoon, who knows how long I’ll be stuck in traffic.

  Me: Never stopped you before…

  Spencer: I’ll call you when I’m back in town and see what time it is, alright?

  Me: Okay. Talk to you tonight. Xo

  Spencer: Good, love your face too xo

  Me: Good to know <3 xo

  I sigh as I put my phone on the side and start eating. That didn’t really go the way I wanted it to but at least he said he’d call. I finish my breakfast, wondering what it is about Valentine that Spencer is so against. Either he knows Valentine and knows he did something bad or maybe he’s jealous? That can’t be it. He keeps repeating we wouldn’t be good together, that I couldn’t handle his awesomeness and things like that so he must already know Valentine.

  I take my time in the shower, singing along to All About That Bass much to Bernard’s despair. He looks at me through the shower door probably thinking that I’m either dying or should shut up and get out of the shower to feed him and let him steal my spot.

  I quickly rinse the hair mask out of my hair and step out of the shower. I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel and wrap another one around my head and head to the kitchen to feed Bernard. I walk back to the bathroom and see him sitting in the shower. Weirdo. I spray heat protector in my hair and blow-dry it before pulling it into a messy bun. I put on light make up before getting dressed.

  I look into my closet for a few minutes and decide on leather look jeans, a flannel shirt and my hi-top converse. I don’t have any meetings today so I can be casual. I make my bed and tidy up quickly, putting all my dirty clothes in the hamper before walking out of my room and closing the door.

  I usher Bernard out of the bathroom and he’s not pleased with me. Looks like he’s grumpy this morning as well. I pet him as he rubs himself against my legs. I make him a comfy spot on the table by the window with his bed so he can look outside. I turn everything off and lock up before grabbing my jacket and bag and leaving the apartment.

  I shudder when I walk outside. It’s a lot colder than I thought and I’m really glad I don’t live far from work. I hurry along as I really don’t fancy staying outside in the cold longer than necessary and skip my morning white hot chocolate. My ass will thank me later, damn jeans are getting a bit snug.

  I take the stairs to the magazine’s floor and am greeted by the sweet aroma of hot chocolate.

  “Who brought hot chocolate and did said person bring enough for everybody?” I grin taking off my jacket.

  “I did and yes there’s one for everybody,” Alicia says proud of herself.

  “I love you.” I hug her and kiss her cheek.

  “Love you too, Have.” She giggles and hugs me back.

  “Someone is in a good mood today.” Matt smirks. “Got some last night after I left?”

  “No, you pervert.” I chuckle and take a sip of the hot chocolately goodness. “Heaven.”

  “What? You look super happy today.” He shrugs.

  “I’m okay.” I smile.

  “Just okay?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “Woke up before my alarm went off, had a nice breakfast and Spencer didn’t ignore me when I texted him. Although he didn’t seem too enthusiastic to talk to me, he’s supposed to call tonight after work.”

  “You think he’ll call?” Alicia asks taking the seat next to me.

  “Call, yes, come over? No. I don’t know why he’s acting so weird. Maybe he met someone and doesn’t know how to tell me. The last two times I asked to hang out he turned me down.” I frown and fire up my computer.

  “I’m sure things will be okay, Gorgeous,” Matt says, squeezing my shoulder on his way to his desk.

  “Thanks, I hope you’re right.” I sigh.

  “I’m sure of it. You just need to talk to each other,” Alicia says and I nod. That’s what we need to do, just talk and figure out how to get past this wall that’s built up between us out of nowhere.

  As usual, during our lunch break, we go out to eat. The majority of the restaurants in the area know us by name now.

  I struggle all day to focus on work, well the little work I left for myself from yesterday. Working from home was a bad idea, even though I didn’t have much to do, I spent the majority of the day watching cat videos. I browse online looking for interviews of Untamed Shadows to see questions they have already been asked, not wanting to repeat the same questions.

  I wave goodbye to Matt as he pulls away after dropping me off home. I walk into the warmth of the building and make my way up the stairs, deciding I need to work out again. All the junk food I’ve been eating recently doesn’t not agree with my clothes.

  I get to my floor completely out of breath just as Valentine is walking out of his place with a beautiful, thin and fit blonde, just what I need to boost my confidence.

  “You alright, Haven?” Valentine says amused.

  “Of course.” I grin and walk to my door all the while trying to calm my racing heart.

  “Is the elevator broken? I don’t want to fall down the stairs in my heels.” I should have called her a brainless blonde.

��No, just figured I’d get some exercise and run up the stairs, you’re safe to use it.” I smile at the blonde and give a certain look to Valentine.

  “Are you sure? It’s not going to break down right?” She looks at me with a look of horror on her face.

  “Yes, I’m sure, don’t worry. The ghost might mess with your skirt but it’s not harmful.” I shrug.

  “A ghost?” She shrieks and I can see that Valentine is trying hard not to laugh.

  “She’s messing with you. There’s not ghost.” He shakes his head and laughs when her face turns red.

  “It’s not funny. I believe in ghosts. They are real and you shouldn’t make fun of them.” She glares at me.

  “Sorry, it was just too tempting.” I shrug and unlock my door.

  “Did you hear from Spencer?” Valentine asks me.

  “We texted this morning but nothing since.” I sigh.

  “Don’t let him get away.” He winks at me and walks the blonde to the elevator. She hesitates before going in. Just before he follows her in he turns around and mouths ‘You’re evil! I love it.’ I have just enough time to give him a thumb up before he disappears into the elevator.

  I open my door and re-lock the door behind me. I turn on the light and see a note on the kitchen counter. Confused and slightly concerned that there really is a ghost, I walk over to it.


  Came over to check up on you as you weren’t in work at lunch. You weren’t here either, figured I’d bring you your mail in as well.

  I’ll call you tonight.


  Spence xo

  I smile at the simple note and it warms my heart to know that he wanted to see me at lunch, I wish he would have called and I could have asked him to join us. I take the note to my bedroom and slip it in a memory box that contains all of the notes I’ve ever received from Spencer, some even date back to when we were eight.

  I change into my panda onesie, don’t judge, and walk into the kitchen to start making dinner. I never imagined my life being like this, I thought I’d be doing something that’d require me traveling all over the country and I’d never be in the same place for more than a couple of days. I never thought I’d have a nine to five job and come home every night to get dinner ready, watch some TV before crashing at ten. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but this just isn’t the life I had imagined. I smile as I remember one of the conversations I had with Spencer when we were seventeen about what we’d be doing with our lives.

  “What do you think we’ll be like in ten years?” I ask Spencer as we sit on the swings at the local park.

  “We’ll be driving around the States, doing little jobs here and there so we can afford to buy food, have a roof over our heads for the night and pay for the gas to get us to our next destination.” Spencer smiles at me.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’m in.” I grin.

  “I’ll always be here for you, Have.” He reaches for my hand and kisses it.

  “I’ll always be here for you too, Spence, why are you getting so emotional?” I look at him, confused about the sound change in the tone of the conversation.

  “I’m telling my parents tonight.” He sighs.

  “Oh. Do you want me to be there for you when you tell them?” I ask as I squeeze his hand.

  “No, but can you be outside waiting for me? I know they won’t accept it.” He looks at me and I can see tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

  “Of course, you know I will be there for you. Always.”

  “You’re the only one I’ll have left, the only one who truly understands and accepts me the way I am.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re my best friend.”

  “I love you.” He kisses my forehead.

  “I love you too, Spence.” I smile kissing his cheek.

  “If they kick me out I’ll come see you as much as I can.” He sighs, sounding defeated.

  “If they kick you out you can come live with us.”

  “What about your parents? Would they be okay with it?” He looks up at me with hope in his expression.

  “Of course. They love you and think of you as their son.” I smile at him.

  That night didn’t turn out the way either of us ever expected. I’m suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of my phone ringing. I smile when I see that it’s Spencer.

  “Hey you.” I smile as I answer.

  “Hey. Good mood again?” I can hear a faint smile in his voice.

  “Yes. Was thinking about the day we talked about road tripping across the country. Such a shame that we never got round to it.”

  “I know. That day will forever be embedded in my memory.”

  “For obvious reasons.” I sigh.


  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Just…You do- uhm how was your day?” He quickly corrects himself.

  “I don’t what?”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing. We should do the road trip when you have a week off. It won’t be the same as living on the road, but it’d still be something.”

  “Right…yeah we could, could be fun.” I simply say. I don't want to pick up another fight with Spencer. That day will always be a sensitive subject matter with Spencer.

  “Great. So, how was your day? Did you get my note?” he asks before cursing someone on the road.

  “Drive carefully.” I scold him.

  “I am, a fucking jerk cut me off.”

  “Okay then. Day was alright, I did most of it yesterday afternoon so I didn’t have much to do, it was rather boring. And yes I did it. You know you should have called me and you could have joined us.”

  “Us? You mean, you and Valentine?” he asks getting upset again.

  “What’s with you and Valentine for fuck’s sake? And no, it was me, Alicia and Matt,” I answer getting annoyed.

  “Sorry.” He sighs. “I just can’t stand the guy.”

  “I know but why? You still haven’t told me anything besides the fact that he’s a dickhead, which he’s really not.”

  “Can you not defend him?”

  “I’m not defending him. I’m just stating a fact. He keeps asking if we’ve patched things up. He feels bad for pissing you off and mess things up between us.”

  “Right. He didn’t ruin things between us.”

  “Surely looks like it, you’ve been distant and avoiding me ever since we met him.”

  He sighs. “I just don’t like the way he looks at you like you’re a piece of steak.”

  “Great, you’ve made me want steak now!” I groan.

  “I’m being serious, Have.”

  “I know. I was trying to lighten up the mood. Look, I don’t know what you think is wrong with Valentine and clearly you’re not going to tell me, which is frankly quite heartbreaking. I just want us to be like we were before I slipped that stupid note under his door. I want my best friend back. I want my Spencer back. I hate that we haven’t had a single conversation without fighting since Saturday and that we haven’t seen each other at all since it happened. You keep turning me down when I invite you over and you blew me off to go fuck some woman when you said you had work to do.”

  “Don’t try and turn this around on me. You’re the one who blew me off and accepted his invitation when you knew we already had plans. I know I told you to go out more and meet new people, but I didn’t tell you to go out with the first guy you meet. I’m hurt too, Haven.” He sighs and I can hear how much I’ve hurt him.

  “I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. I thought you’d be happy to see me get out there and say yes for once. I’m really sorry. I wish I could take it back.”

  “Me too, Have. Me too…” He sighs sadly.

  “Can you come over? Please.” I’m ready to beg if necessary.

  “Not tonight.”

  “Why not?” I ask. I thought we were going in the right direction.

  “I’m still stuck in traffic, I think ther
e was an accident so there’s no telling when I’ll be home. I need to do some thinking too.”

  “Thinking about?” I ask worried.

  “Work, us, life in general.”

  “You’re worrying me, Spencer.”

  “I’m worrying myself too, Have.”

  “You’re not going to do something stupid, are you?”

  He chuckles.” Of course not. Don’t be a ditz.”

  “I saw a right one earlier, I actually made her believe there was a ghost in the elevator. Scared her shitless.” I snicker, still worried.

  “That’s my Have.” I sigh happily when I hear him call me ‘my Have’. It’s so good to hear. “I promise. I won’t do anything stupid, and if I ever did you’d have my ghost hunting the shit out of you, scolding you every chance it could.” He jokes.

  “Don’t joke about that. While the thought of it is funny, I wouldn’t make it in a world without you.”

  “You would, you’re stronger than you think.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re breaking up with me and we’re not even together?” I try to hold it together but it’s getting hard.

  “I’m not, I promise. I just need to think about my life. I promise we’ll have our Friday Night this Friday. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” I can hear the smile in his voice but something is still off.

  “You better keep your promise.”

  “I always do, Love.”

  “I know.”

  “I have to go, I’ll text you when I get home. Okay?”

  “Why do you have to go? If you’re stuck in traffic I can keep you company. I don’t mind.” I wait for him to answer, but I hear his car door open and no sound of pissed off people, actually, I hear no sound at all. “You’re not stuck in traffic, are you?” I feel my heart breaking. We’ve never lied to each other before, so why is he lying to me now?

  “I…no.” He sighs and I hear the door close.

  “Have fun while I worry about you. I thought we would never lie to each other. That’s twice in two days.”

  “Have, don’t be like that,” he pleads.