Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 12

  “Like what? Like I’m feeling stupid because you won’t be honest with me and why you’ve been a dick to me since Saturday? You know what? Have fun, call me when you grow a pair. As stupid as I am, I’ll be here for you because you’re my best friend and I love you. I’ll always be there for you, even when you’re being a dick to me. You’re all I have that matters in my life. You’re the single most important person in my life and you’ll always be.” I don’t wait for an answer as I hang up and break down in tears.

  He calls me back straight away but I ignore it. I put the food I had taken out of the fridge back in and grab a pint of ice cream and a spoon instead. I lock the front door, grab my laptop and turn off the lights. I plan to head straight to bed, snuggle in and ugly cry all evening whilst watching Bridget Jones. She knows how I feel at least.


  I must have fallen asleep at some point because I wake up too hot and wrapped up in my covers. That’s what happens when I fall asleep in my onesie, I’m way too warm and I can’t get the blankets off me quickly enough. I kick around but the blanket wraps tighter around me and whispers my name. I scream and shoot up, kicking Bernard, my laptop and the empty pint of ice cream off the bed and across the room.

  “Have, it’s me, Spencer,” he whispers loudly and curses under his breath.

  “What the fuck?” I turn on the bedside lamp and see him sitting in my bed, fully dressed with blood shot eyes. He looks like shit. “What happened to you?” I sit on the bed, keeping my distance.

  “Please come here.” He begs me, holding his hands out to me.

  “No. Not until you talk to me.”

  He sighs. “I’m sorry for being a dickhead. I never meant to. I just lost my shit when I saw the way you were with that douchebag.” He looks at me apologetically.

  “He’s not a douchebag, can’t you just say his name?” I sigh.

  “Valentine,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “You’re unbelievable. You lecture me and throw a fucking tantrum because I find my neighbor hot, which he’ll never let me live down if he overhears us,” thump, thump “there you go.” I sigh. “Anyway, you act like a kid whenever he’s mentioned. When I offer to cancel dinner with him, you say you now have plans to go fuck one of your sluts. You’re un-fucking-believable. I don’t recognize you anymore. This is not my Spencer.”

  “Your Spencer,” he whispers.

  “Yes, I want my Spencer back, the one who’d tease me about my eyebrows, watch what he eats and force me to go to the gym or eat disgusting healthy food because it’s good for me. I want the Spencer who always wanted to hang out and always encouraged me to go out and meet new people, not the one who is miserable and avoids me. Where did he go? He disappeared when Valentine appeared.” He makes a face when I say Valentine’s name. “Stop being so childish!” I roll my eyes.

  “He figured since you and Valentine hit it off so well and he was forgotten two seconds into your conversation that he should give you some space.”


  “It’s true, you were smitten the minute you saw him. Don’t deny it.” He looks at me with hurt in his eyes, I never wanted to see him like this again. It’s the same expression he had when his parents kicked him out. He feels rejected and I’ve made him feel like that.

  “Why do you think I would push you away if I got a boyfriend? You never acted this way with Adam.” I reach for his hand. He laces our fingers and suddenly pulls me closer to him, making me yelp. “That’s more like something my Spencer would do.” I chuckle.

  “I guess I felt threatened by Valentine and not by Adam. Adam was a dipshit so nothing to be threatened by there.”

  “Yet you called Valentine a dickhead and douchebag multiple times but you feel threatened by him. You make no sense.” I sigh and lie on my side, facing him.

  “I just…I don’t know, I freaked out and thought he wouldn’t like us being so close so I gave you the space you would need to be with him.” He wraps his arms around me and brings me flush to his warm body.

  “You’re stupid. I wo-”

  “I know.” He cuts me off and kisses my forehead.

  “I would never let anyone come between us. No one but you could tear us apart.”

  “I almost did.” He rests his forehead on mine.

  “Yes, you almost did.” I love being in his arms. I missed this. I missed my Spencer.

  “What are we going to do?” he asks nervously.

  “You need to chill, I’m not going anywhere so stop freaking out on me, you’re worse than a woman. And we’ll get through it. I suggest a good night of sleep along with breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow to make up for lost time.” I grin innocently.

  “I have to work during lunch but I can do breakfast and dinner.” He smiles his dazzling smile.

  I frown. “What’s his or her name?”

  “Jealous?” He smirks.

  “Yes.” I simply say, because the truth is, I’m extremely jealous of all those people who either get massaged by him or get another type of massage if you catch my drift.

  “Good to know.” He smiles and kisses my head again. “My lunch date is Mrs. Bonami, she’s seventy and a total firecracker. I think I’m in love.” He tries not to laugh but loses the battle until I elbow his ribs. “You’re going to break one of my ribs one of these days.” He complains rubbing his ribs.

  “That’d be well deserved for doing this to me.” I pout like a spoiled kid.

  “I was just teasing you, but it’s good to know you’re affected by me I know you still care.” More than you’ll ever know.


  “You and my dick, you’re obsessed.” He shakes his head and looks me over, all of me and bursts out laughing.

  “Don’t say anything or I swear next time it’s not your ribs I go for but your dick.” I narrow my eyes at him and half run to the bathroom to get changed.

  “I’d rather you do something to my dick with your mouth than your elbow, but that’s just a personal preference.” He chuckles and I glare at him when I walk back into the room. “My little panda.” He opens his arms for me still laughing at himself.

  “Piss off.” I chuckle and lie on top of him.

  “You’re suffocating me! Help!” He fakes gasping for air.

  “Calling me fat?” I raise my eyebrow.

  “I see you finally did something about your eyebrows. You know you're not.” He squeezes me and keeps his arms around me, keeping me pinned on top of him.

  “Matt did when you sent him to check on me instead of doing so yourself.” I give him a look and he knows I both appreciate what he did and am mad at him for not checking himself.

  “I needed time.” He sighs.

  “Where were you when I hung up on you?” I look up at him.

  “I…” He looks at the ceiling, either trying to come up with a lie or not wanting to tell me the truth.

  “Don’t lie to me,” I say softly.

  “I went to fuck someone, I needed to blow off some steam, but couldn’t do it.” He sighs.

  “Couldn’t do what?”

  “Do you really need me to explain everything?” He glares at me.

  “Yes,” I say and pout like a petulant child.

  “I couldn’t get it up.” He mumbles under his breath and I burst out laughing.

  “It’s not funny,” he spanks my ass and I yelp. It stings but fuck it feels good.

  “It’s hilarious. You, not able to get it up. Brilliant.” I grin wide.

  “You’re so mean.” He hides into my neck, rolling us over.

  “I know.” I chuckle wrapping my arms around him.

  “Can I stay the night?” he asks tentatively.

  “Of course.” I kiss his head.

  “Thanks.” He smiles before disappearing into the bathroom. It’s not long before I hear the shower turning on. I’m glad he’s ridding himself of any trace of that man or woman’s body before sleeping in my bed. I shudder just thinking about
it. I’m so glad he couldn’t get it up and fuck whoever he was with. Maybe he's realizing he has feelings for me? A girl can dream, right? It still hurts that he didn’t come here straight away, but he’s here now. I can’t be mad at him because he has no idea how I feel about him and we’re not dating. It would be hypocritical of me to give him shit for something like that.

  How I wish I could just join him in the shower, but I can’t risk him rejecting me and thinking I’m crazy. Just thinking about him, naked in my shoulder, touching that amazing body of his is doing things to me. I groan and squeeze my thighs together, getting wet just thinking about it, and I’ll have to sleep in the same bed as him tonight. Pure torture, that’s what I’m inflicting on myself tonight.

  I pick up my laptop and the empty tub of ice cream from the floor, I’m bent over with my ass up in the air when I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn around and see Spencer staring at my ass.

  “Enjoying the view?” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Very much so.” He smirks and walks to the bed, no not walk, swaggers to the bed.

  “Perve!” I shake my head and walk over to my side of the bed.

  “And proud.” He smiles and lies down in just his boxers. I can see the outline of his thick, semi-hard cock. I shouldn’t have looked, it’s all I’ll I’m going to be able to think about now. “Are we good?” he asks wrapping his arm around me and pulls me down next to him.

  “Yes, as long as you stop being a dickhead we will be good.” I smile and kiss his shoulder.

  “Good. Thank you for taking me back.” He smiles.

  “I always will, as stupid as it makes me. I don’t want to imagine my life without you.” I sigh.

  “Neither do I.”

  “Did you get to do your life thinking?”

  “No, it was just the first excuse I could think of on the spot.” He chuckles.

  “Sure.” I look at him not buying his bullshit.

  “Okay, I just wanted to make sure giving you space was the best thing, but truth is I’ve been feeling like shit these past three days and had had enough. Had you not hung up on me and told me to pretty much fuck off, I wouldn’t have come here. I was planning on stopping here tomorrow after work, but I didn’t nor could wait any longer anymore.” He shrugs.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” I smile at him.

  “Me too.” He kisses my head and we fall into a comfortable silence with Bernard jumping up onto the bed to curl up between our legs.

  As I lie here awake in my sleeping best friend’s arms, I wish we were more than friends, but at least I have him back. My Spencer is back in my life. To anyone this might seem weird, but he’s all I need in my life, he’s the reason why I’m happy. I look at the clock and smile seeing it’s not midnight yet.

  “Another good end to a Monday,” I whisper and close my eyes.


  The Next Saturday

  This past week has been the best in a really long time. Spencer spent all the time he could with me after work either here or at his place. I think he was trying to keep me as far away from Valentine as possible which in a way, I didn’t mind. I loved being able to spend time with him again. I’m so grateful that we could get past what has happened between. For the first time since meeting Valentine, we didn't fight. It was much welcomed. He still gets a little annoyed every single time I mention Valentine. Like last night for example.

  “Will you pass me the wine instead of drinking it all?” Spender holds his hand out and I reluctantly hand over the bottle of wine.

  “You’re no fun.” I cross my arms over my chest and his eyes zero in on my chest. “Up here Spencer.” I glare at him playfully.

  “What? Stop teasing me then.” He shrugs.

  “I’m not! I’m trying to make the point that you’re being a buzz kill.” I shrug.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “As if. I haven’t even had a glass yet.”

  “You sure? You’re way too giddy to be willing to eat healthy.” He chuckles.

  “You make it sound like I eat eating junk food every day.”

  “That’s what you did last weekend and the reason why you asked me to get you back into shape.” He gives me a pointed look and he’s right.

  “Fine! But no, I’m not drunk, just happy we’re back to normal.” I smile at him. “Besides, it’s good wine.”

  “Not as good as…” He grins wide and I nod.

  “That was the best.” I sigh happily.

  “I’ll take you back sometime. I promise.” He smiles.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” I giggle and pop a cherry tomato into my mouth. “Oh I meant to ask you. Valentine in-”

  “When will you learn not to talk about him in front of me? I don’t give a fuck about what that guy says or does.” He sighs, his good mood evaporated.

  “If you would have let me finish, you would know that he invited us to go to the opening party of his nightclub.” I smile.

  “He invited you and you are asking me as your plus one or he invited us and you’re just mentioning it to me?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “The latter.” I sneak another tomato.

  “Stop with the tomatoes or we’ll only have the pasta to eat.”

  “Sorry.” I give him an apologetic smile.

  “Really? He wants me at his opening party?” he asks doubtful.

  “Yes. Really. Please say you’ll come.” I walk to his side and wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. “Pleaaaaaaase.”

  He chuckles. “Alright, I’ll go for you and to keep the creepers away.”

  “Score! Free drinks and dancing with you.”

  “Are you happy because I’m going with you or just because you won’t have to go on your own?”

  “Because I won’t have to go on my own, of course.” I shrug saying it as casually as I can.

  “You little shit.” He wraps his arm around me and ruffles my hair.

  “Ah, you love it.”

  “Nah, hate it.” He chuckles and kisses my head. “Why don’t you cut up the bacon into small pieces instead of talking shit.” He smacks my ass and gets back to cutting up the veggies.

  “Yes, master,” I say as sensually as I can, thinking I failed, but considering the look on his face, I clearly didn’t.

  “Don’t do that.” He ends up glaring at me.

  “Do what?” I look at him confused.

  “Call me master.”

  “Ohhh are you a Dom in the bedroom.” I taunt and lean on the counter. I am way too excited to know about this.

  “No.” He chuckles. “It’s just hot.” He shrugs.

  “What? Knowing I’d put my life in your hands and let you do whatever you want to me?”

  “Mhmm.” He keeps his eyes glued to the veggies.

  “Are you getting a boner?” I snicker.

  “Will you stop?” He shakes his head.

  “You are!” I grin feeling rather proud of myself.

  “Don’t be so proud and cut up the bacon or you’re not getting any.”

  “Any what?” I raise my eyebrow.

  “Oh god, you’re definitely drunk. You’d never say shit like this sober.” He shakes his head.

  “Not drunk.” I grin. Truth is, I’m totally drunk. Drunk in love with him.

  I’m brought back to reality by the front door of my apartment opening.

  “Morning sleepy head.” Spencer sings as he walks in carrying two take away cups of coffee and a box with donuts.

  “Morning my favorite person in the whole wide world.” I jump up and walk over to him. I quickly hug him and grab the donuts.

  “I see you’ve got your priorities straight.” He smiles setting the cups on the counter.

  “Always.” I smile and debate which one of the donuts to eat. One is lemon meringue, the other one is peanut butter. What to choose…what to choose?

  “The struggle is real I see.” He grins as he walks past me, grabs a knife and cuts the two donuts in half. “Now you don’t
have to decide which one you want to eat, you can have half of each.”

  “See, this is why I love you so much.” I grin and take a huge bite of the lemon meringue donut. “Oh god.” I moan and lick my lips. When I look up I see that Spencer’s eyes are glued to my lips. “You alright?”

  “Y-yeah.” He smiles and takes a bite out of his half. “What do you want to do today?”

  “I don’t know. We can go thrift shopping. I’m in need of a vintage leather jacket.”

  “Want to impress the guys in the band you have to interview soon?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “No, the ones in stores are too thin and they all look the same. I want something original and worn in.” I shrug.

  “Who knew you’d ever be into fashion?”

  “Not me, that’s for sure. I just saw one of the outfits a fashion designer I interviewed had made and it’s to die for. I just never would pay the price he asks for it; it’s like four months of rent just for the leather jacket alone.”

  “Fashion has a price.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah and I’m not ready to pay that price. I can make that outfit myself with a few items.” I shrug and finish my half of the lemon meringue donut.

  “True. There’s a flea market today in LoDo, wanna go check it out?”

  “Oh yes! Can we go in your car in case I find a cute table? Bernard likes to use this wooden one to sharpen his claws.” I frown as I look at my poor table.

  “What did I get myself into?” He sighs dramatically, shaking his head at me.

  “What? It’s not my fault.” I shrug before attacking the peanut butter donut.

  “Of course not.” He eats his donut and we spend the rest of our breakfast making small talk.

  After demolishing the donuts he brought, we quickly clean up last night’s dishes before heading out. As we are walking out of the elevator, Valentine is waiting to get in and a stare down between Spencer and Valentine starts. I sigh.

  “Spencer, you remember Valentine.”

  “All too well,” he says through clenched teeth.

  “I’m glad you two could patch things up, I’d hate to be the reason for a friendship to be ruined. I’m sorry you got the wrong impression of me, man. I never meant to piss you off. It was just harmless flirting.” Valentine offers his hand to Spencer to shake. Spencer sizes him up before shaking his hand, probably more for my sake than anything else.