Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 15

  “Enough with that! Seriously!” I sigh.

  “Trust me, it’ll be good. You’ll know what he was up to in a few hours.”

  “What the hell?” I ask totally confused as the elevator opens and we walk to my door.

  “Trust me, Have,” he pleads.

  “Fine.” I concede defeat and unlock my door. I can’t help but laugh as we catch Bernard playing around with one of his toys which he misses and ends up sliding into the wall.

  “Smooth, Bernie,” Spencer laughs until I scream as I see the toy move of its own accord. “What the fuck, Have? You’re going to scare the whole building.” I jump on the couch and point at the mouse Bernard was playing with. “Aww poor little thing.” Bernard tries to pounce on it, but Spencer picks it up before he can get there. “It’s okay little dude. You’re safe now.” He smiles and pets the mouse.

  “Weirdo.” I tell him as I tentatively climb off the couch and snort when I see Bernard glaring at Spencer’s hands. Spencer disappears outside, probably to release the little critter and I can’t help but wonder if he’d try to put it in Valentine’s apartment. I giggle at the idea.

  I put all of the food and wine in the fridge and go to my room to change into something a lot more comfortable. I make a beeline dash for the bathroom halfway through getting changed since Spencer hasn’t returned yet and I forgot my shorts and hoodie were in the bathroom. I take the opportunity to remove my makeup and pull my hair up into a messy bun whilst making sure I don’t look like a mad woman. I still want to look somewhat good for Spencer.

  When I walk out of the bathroom, I stop when I see Bernard and Spencer having a standoff. Spencer is sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter and Bernard is perched on the kitchen counter in front of him. They are both staring at each other with Spencer threatening Bernard.

  “No eating the mouse. They are not toys or food. Mice are our friends. Capiche?” He keeps his gaze fixed onto Bernard who just sniffs his face and hops off the counter. “I thought we were best buds and that I could get through to him.” He sighs dramatically when he sees me.

  “You are a fucking weirdo.” I deadpan.

  “Ah you love me that way so it’s cool.” He shrugs and kisses my head on his way to the bathroom. More than you know.

  I start to prep the potatoes and roasted veggies as we forgot to buy salad, I’m leaving the meat cooking to Spencer. He’s very picky with how his meat is cooked so it’s best to leave it to him. I don’t want him to throw a tantrum because I overcooked his steak. It would be the start of World War III for sure. I drizzle some olive oil, Himalayan pink salt and pepper over the veggies, before putting them in the oven to cook.

  I get everything ready to make the cookies and start making the dough from scratch. Spencer had the brilliant idea to make ice cream sandwiches for dessert and I’m not one to pass that down or any dessert for that matter. I love my sugary treats too much.

  I suddenly feel hands on my hips and let out a loud shriek. “What the fuck? Seriously Spence, that’s twice in two hours!” I slap his arm with cookie dough coated hands.

  “You love horror everything and yet, when I touch you and you haven’t heard me approach, you jump. I’m going to start thinking you have a problem with me.” He pouts and picks some of the cookie dough from the bowl.

  “No, don’t worry I was lost in my thoughts.” I grin.

  “Thoughts of what exactly?” He smiles evilly.

  “Mind out of the gutter please. I was thinking about me swimming in a sea of donuts, cronuts, ice cream sandwiches and warm chocolate. Delish!” I laugh when I see his amused expression.

  “And I’m the weirdo.” He shakes his head and gets the baking sheets and trays out from a drawer.

  “You’d love it too.”

  “True.” He grins and washes his hands before helping me mold the cookies.

  “How did your business meeting with Marissa go? Why do you need her anyway?”

  “Jealous much?” He chuckles.

  “No, I just mean why do you need an accountant?”

  “Because of the crazy amount of paperwork being your own boss requires. It’s discouraging sometimes. Plus I’m closing my massaging business and opening a photography one so I have to switch all the papers, accounts, taxes stuff and shit like that. I’m not good with that side of things so I hired her. She’s very good at it and has made it less complicated and has sorted out my accounts. It’s way too boring and complicated for me. There are only a couple of papers left to fill to switch the business over and then I’ll be good to go.” He shrugs.

  “I thought you were going back to school and massaging still?”

  “I thought so too. I really want to focus on my photography classes but they require so much of my time that I decided to stop working and hand my clients over to someone else. You know how I get when I really want to do something.”

  “So I’ll never get my free massage?” I pout.

  “I’ll massage you whenever you want, Have. You know that.” He smiles.

  “Tonight?” I grin sheepishly.

  “If you want, sure.” He winks and puts the cookies into my second oven before getting the meat out of the fridge. I pour us a glass of wine each while he tenderizes the meat with a sick smile on his face.

  “Yes I want and you enjoy tenderizing that meat way too much.” I chuckle.

  “I’m just imagining it’s Valentine’s face.” He smirks evilly.

  “Oh god, not again!” I throw the wine cork at his head.

  “All in good fun, Love.” He smiles.

  “Yeah right.” I shake my head and turn on the TV.

  “We’re like an old married couple.” He smiles at me fondly.

  “We are.” I can’t help but grin. “You’re the woman and I’m the man, obviously.” I smirk and sprawl on the couch with my glass of wine in one hand and the remote in the other.

  “You wish!” He throws a dish towel at me.

  “Nah, I’d have a way too big dick and wouldn’t be able to walk properly.” I shrug and he bursts out laughing.

  “Full of yourself much? I think you’d have a nippledick and would be a total douche thinking you’ve got it with the ladies when in fact, you’d be the old creep who doesn’t get any.”

  “Worst thing is that you’re probably right.” I laugh.

  “What would I look like as a woman?”

  “You’d be the woman that every other woman hates and every man wants a night with. Tall, slim, probably blonde, big fake boobs, banging body and beautiful face, but you would be such a fucking bitch that when she opens her mouth the only thing men want to do is shove their dick in it.” I tell him and we both burst out laughing.

  “You’re probably right.” He shrugs. “At least I’d get sex, you wouldn’t get any.”

  “Ah, not much different from my current life then.” I shrug and finish my glass of wine. “Care to introduce me to a hot guy?” I grin.

  “Never.” He narrows his eyes at me.

  “So you’re going to keep me from dating anyone? I’m going to end up being an old virgin cat lady.”

  “That’s why dildos were invented.” He taunts.

  “You’re a dick, you know that right?”

  “Yes, and I know how much you want mine.” He waggles his eyebrows and brings over two plates each filled with a perfectly cooked steak, roasted potatoes and vegetables.

  “You wish. Thank you.” I smile and kiss his shoulder. “You taste like cookie dough.” I grin and lick my lips.

  “And who’s fault is that?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “Alright, mine. Don’t act like you minded it though.” Unable to find anything interested on the TV, I pass Spencer the remote and dig into my food.

  “I don't, you're right.” He chuckles and flips through the channels before choosing Paranormal Activity on Netflix.

  After finishing our food, we settle down on the couch and put on a DVD because there’s nothing on TV. I’m about to doze off when S
pencer shakes me gently.

  “What?” I groan sleepily.

  “You can’t fall asleep.”

  “Why not?” I look at him.

  “Because.” He grins.

  “Because what? What are you up to?” I glare at him.

  “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.” He chuckles and gets up. He walks to the front door and locks it up before doing his usual round of shutting everything off and making sure my apartment is somewhat tidy. “Come on.” He holds his hand out to me. I take it and he helps me up and leads me to my bedroom.

  “What are we doing?” I question.

  “Shhh, wait for it.” He snickers and not two seconds after he speaks, a soft knock comes from the other side of my bedroom wall.

  “What did he say to you before leaving earlier?” I whisper.

  “Mentioned something about a repeat of last the time when we faked it.” He grins like a kid in a candy store.

  “Oh fuck me.” I face plant the pillow.

  “If you want.” He climbs on top of me as I’m lying on my stomach and starts dry humping me.

  “Oh god Spencer!” I groan as he’s suffocating me.

  “Starting already huh?” He chuckles and rests on his elbows so he’s not squishing me anymore.

  “You’re suffocating me!” I whisper loudly.

  “Stop whining you big baby, you love me on top of you.” He smirks and grinds into me, making me groan in frustration.

  “Nope, totally hating you right now.” I glare at him.

  “All lies.” He smiles and rolls off me. We look at each other as the sound of moaning from the other side of the wall begins.

  “You two fucking planned this?” I whisper loudly, shocked.

  “Well, yeah.” He shrugs.

  “I’m surrounded by perverted weirdos.” I shake my head, push him off me and turn away from him in mock irritation.

  “You enjoyed it when we did it the first time. I thought you’d get a kick out of it,” he says and pulls me back around to face him.

  “It’s not nice to the girl he’s with though.”

  “If she’s game to fuck on the first date then she’d be fine with it.” He has a point.

  “I guess you’re right, it’s feels weird because we know him now.” I make a face which makes him chuckle.

  “Unless you’re jealous of that girl, let’s get to it.” He waggles his eyebrows.

  “No way. He’s a total manwhore. Well, actually you are too.” I smirk poking him chest.

  “I don’t have someone different every night,” he says in a serious tone.


  “You couldn’t be any further from the truth.” He sighs.

  “What do you mean?” I look at him confused.

  “Nothing, it’s just that I’m not as much of a manwhore as you think I am.” He shrugs.

  “Good for you.” I smile and inside, I’m doing fucking cartwheels with relief that he’s not as bad as Valentine.

  “Showtime.” He smirks and starts moaning, making me giggle. I can’t believe I’m in this situation again, but I’d be lying if I was saying that I wasn’t enjoying it. This moment brings me back to the first time we faked it. That night was a lot of fun. The aftermath wasn’t though. Spencer sees my change of expression and no doubt knows I’m over thinking it. He grinds into me, long and hard, making me moan for real. I slap his chest, but he’s enjoying himself way too much. I start fake moaning as I don’t want him to do it again, well I do, but I just know it’ll leave me wanting more. So I play along instead of acting on my feelings and we do end up having a lot of fun. I have no idea what this girl will think of us lot but it has brought us back together and I love that.


  A Week Later

  Today is Valentine’s new nightclub’s opening and I couldn’t be more excited. It’ll be a night filled with dancing, drinks and partying with my best friend. Spencer decided to come with me and would be taking pictures for my article. It’s the first time we’ll be working together and I hope it won’t be the last.

  I wanted to look and feel good for the opening and, since pictures would be taken, I decided to go all out and look the best I can. I went to the hair salon this morning. I didn’t do anything crazy, just had a trim and my hair styled with soft curls. I got my nails done and also bought a new dress and heels. I also might be on a mission to seduce Spencer tonight if he has a positive reaction to this new dress and I know he’s a sucker for women in high heels. I just hope I don’t break my ankle in these freaking skyscrapers.

  We had an amazing week, there’s been no fights or tension. I even agreed to go to lunch with him and his accountant. Turns out, she’s a total sweetheart and not interested in Spencer at all. She does, however, have a thing for Valentine. I can’t blame her and if it keeps her from Spencer, then even better.

  Spencer has been a lot more touchy feely lately. Whenever we’re around each other, he always manages to get me in his arms one way or another. I’m not sure why he’s doing it, but I’m definitely not going to complain. I just wish I could man the fuck up and tell him how I feel. I can't help that nagging feeling that it would ruin our friendship and what we’ve had for the past twenty plus years. It'd make things a lot easier if I had a crystal ball that would tell me how he feels and if telling him would be the right thing to do. I wouldn't have to drive myself crazy with the thousands of questions that run through my mind on a daily basis.

  I’m brought back to reality by the sound of my phone alerting me to a message. I groan as the noise makes me ruin my attempt at winged eyeliner.

  Valentine: 10 minutes. Be ready!

  Me: I’m never late…

  Valentine: Yeah right!

  Me: See you in 10!

  I can’t help but chuckle. Either Spencer said something to him or he somehow knows that I take a lot longer than what I say.

  I wipe off my eyeliner and redo it as neatly and quickly as I can, which proves to be incredibly difficult. I get up from my bed and look at my reflection in my full-length mirror. I’m wearing my new strapless emerald green dress that has a sweetheart neckline and my new black and cream high heels in an attempt to elongate my legs which thanks to the short length of my dress are out on display! I’ve touched up the curls in my hair and have kept my makeup on the natural side. I quickly put on a simple necklace Spencer got me last year and I smile at my reflection. I grab my leather jacket and my clutch, and close my bedroom door on the way out. I go to the kitchen, making sure that Bernard has enough food and water for the evening. Just as I'm filling his bowls, there's a knock at the door. I quickly finish what I’m doing and walk to the door.

  I open it and am greeted by a very hot and dashing Valentine.

  “Well, hello there.” I look him up and down.

  “Hello to you too, you look beautiful.” He smiles doing the same.

  “Right back at ya.” I smile and grab my keys. I close the door behind me and walk to the elevator.

  “Do I really get you all to myself for dinner tonight?” He smirks.

  “Yes, Spencer had an assignment for one of his photography classes so he’ll join us at the club. Don’t get any funny ideas though.” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “What? Me? Never,” he says acting surprised that I would insinuate such a thing.

  “Like I’m going to believe you.” I shake my head.

  “You should. I know you and Spencer have something special. And as much as I’d love nothing more than make you scream louder than he did, even if it was pretend, I respect what you two have.” He looks at me with a serious look on his face.

  “Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that.”

  “I have a pretty good idea, besides I have to stop acting like a twenty year old.” He shrugs.

  “That can only mean one thing! You’ve met someone and don’t want to play around anymore,” I exclaim happily.

  “Can’t hide anything from you.” He smiles
almost shyly.

  “Who is it? Do I know her?” I smile excitedly, almost bouncing as we make our way out of the building.

  “Like I’m going to tell you, you’d go and tell her in no time.” He opens the car door for me and I’m just realizing we’re taking his Porsche.

  “Aha! I know her then! And hey, I would never! How dare you think of me like that?” I feign being hurt and climb into his car. “Nice car.”

  “Thank you.” He grins and gets in the other side. “And you would. I know how women work.”

  “Clearly not since you’re still single.” I taunt him.

  “Excuse me, that’s by choice. I’ve never met anyone that I’d want to spend more than one night with before.” He shrugs.

  “How can you tell that you won’t want to spend more than one night with someone?” I ask him, intrigued by his philosophy.

  “Because I never feel anything for those women. I’m well aware that it makes me sound like a total pig, but I can’t help it. I love sex. I always told myself that when I meet the one, my player days would be over.”

  “What if she doesn’t want anything to do with you? Maybe just wants one night with you?” I ask and smirk as I see his ego deflate slightly.

  “I’ve never thought of it that way.” He sighs.

  “Are you really that confident that you’d think that just because you fall for a woman that she’d fall for you too?”

  “I guess so,” he admits.

  “If you’re really into this girl then tell her, but make sure you mention your player days. You definitely don’t want someone else being the one to tell her. It’ll make it look like you were deliberately keeping it from her.”

  “Says the woman who’s in love with her best friend and won’t say anything to him.” He chuckles. “Thanks for the tip.”

  “You’re welcome and that is completely different.”


  “Because I have so much to lose.” I sigh.

  “But so much to gain too. We make a right pair, both unable to tell the person we want how much we want them. Why is love and relationships so fucking complicated?” He sighs.

  “I wish I knew. Things have been so much better lately with Spencer, I don’t want to ruin it. We've never fought like that before and it's all because of your fine ass!”