Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 14

  “Do tell.” Matt presses.

  “Ex-boyfriend didn’t like me moving on and being happy so he decided it would be a good idea to show up at my place to abuse and rape me. Luckily my neighbor was in to save me.” I sigh.

  “Shit, Gorgeous.” He kisses my head. “If you need to leave early let me know, I’ll sign you out.”

  “Thanks Matt, I should be okay though. Could you drop me off home after work tonight please?” I ask.

  “There is no need to ask. Whenever Spencer can’t drop you off or pick you up I’ll do it. So when do I get to kick the ex’s ass?” He smiles at me, no doubt trying to lighten the mood before walking to the coffee machine even though he already has a mug on his desk and comes back with one for me.

  “I’m not handicapped you know, I can still walk.” I chuckle and wince. Shit even laughing is painful right now.

  “Looks like someone won’t be able to inhale all the donuts today.” Matt snickers.

  “And you just ruined my Monday.” I sigh dramatically and take a small sip of my freshly made coffee. I frown because it’s painful to do so and groaning because frowning hurts. What a shitty Monday as per usual and Spencer isn’t here to make it better.

  I have to force myself to work but I’m so not in the mood today. After a few hours, I finally put the finishing touches to an article about a local fashion designer I’ve been working on for the past couple of days. I’m glad I could get it finished before we all go for lunch because, knowing myself, I wouldn’t have been able to get back into it afterwards.

  Matt, Alicia and I settle on a little Japanese restaurant that serves amazing ramen. I appreciate the fact that they suggested a place with food I'll be able to eat without causing me too much pain.

  The restaurant isn't very far away from the office but I can't help constantly looking around for Adam. I'm scared of him coming back to hurt me again. Matt must’ve sensed that I was internally freaking out because he walks closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder and Alicia walks on the other side of me.

  “Even if he’s around he’ll never getting to you. I won’t let that happen, Gorgeous.” He smiles at me, making me feel reassured.

  “Thanks, Matt.” I give him a weak smile.

  “Don’t let Nippledick ruin your day. He doesn't deserve you being scared all the time.”

  “I know, I just can't help it. I know Spencer and Valentine beat him up, but he could still come back again,” I say unable to hide my worry as we walk into the restaurant and are seated in the back.

  “So, what’s new with the hot neighbor and Spencer?” Alicia waggles her eyebrows.

  “Ugh, it’s a big clusterfuck of drama.” I sigh and look at the menu.

  “Do tell.” She smirks.

  “Love a bit of gossip during lunch, don’t we?” I raise my eyebrow at her.

  “Always.” She admits and winks at me.

  I sigh. “Valentine saved me last night. Thank God he was home during the day, if he hadn’t been there, I’m not sure what would have happened. As for Spencer, Valentine called him and he got there as soon as he could, they seem to have some sort of agreement now.” I shrug, not sure what exactly is going on with them.

  “Are things still rocky with Spencer?” Alicia asks concerned.

  “We’ve patched things up, but it’s just weird. Something still seems off with him.” We’re interrupted by the waiter who comes over to take our order.

  “I’m sure things are fine. He’s just worried about losing you. You’re basically his lifeline, his family. If he loses you then he’s on his own. He might know a lot of people but he doesn’t have a lot of close friends. He doesn’t let people in,” Matt says sadly.

  “How do you know so much about Spencer?” Alicia asks.

  “We fooled around but we never got too close, we parted on good terms though, but yeah, he’s very closed off. Never could get anything personal from him, which was so frustrating at the time.” Matt makes a face.

  “You’re right. It's just we've known each other for over twenty years, he knows he can talk to me and that he'll never get rid of me no matter what.” I smile mischievously.

  “You should remind him more often,” Matt tells me and winks at me as if he knows something I don’t.

  “What do you know that I don’t, Matt?” I question him.

  “You’ll figure it out soon enough, just be fucking patient for once.” He chuckles and shakes his head.

  “Men are a fucking pain in the ass, and no dirty comments from you two.” I declare, crossing my arms over my chest. And cue Matt’s eyes zeroing in on my boobs, along with the waiter who nearly drops Matt’s bowl in his lap as he brings us our food. “Men are such perverts. Even if they are gay.” I roll my eyes and Alicia and I snicker.

  “Not a good look Matt.” Alicia grins.

  “What? Even I can appreciate that the twins are in top form,” Matt says.

  “Leave the ‘twins’ alone, will ya?” I say trying to cover up the little cleavage I have today.

  “I might prefer dick, but they are nice to look at, don’t blame me.” He shrugs. “Anyway, anymore antics from the neighbor?”

  “Not really, it’s been fairly quiet these past couple of days. I wonder what’s up with that, I almost miss it, it was becoming my lullaby.” I grin before wincing. “Fuck sake.” I sigh.

  “I’m surprised.” Matt snickers.

  “I’m surprising myself too. It’s almost too quiet.”

  “Well, we can ask him to be louder and have sex more often if you want?” Matt chuckles and nods at someone. I turn around to see Valentine sitting down with one of his lady friends at a table nearby. I wave at him, not expecting him to come over because he has company, but to my surprise he seats his date at their table and walks over to us.

  “How are you feeling, Have?” He asks, gently squeezing my shoulder.

  “I’m alright, it’s a bit tricky to eat or drink, but I’ll manage.” I give him a soft smile because a full smile is just too painful.

  “He won’t bother you again, trust me.” He smirks somewhat evilly.

  “Uh, okay?” I look at him with what I am sure is a confused expression but he’s not looking at me anymore, he’s looking past me. I turn around and see that his eyes are locked on Alicia. Well that’s interesting. I grin at Matt and he winks at me.

  “I should get back to my table. Call me if you need anything.” He kisses the top of my head and leaves us.

  “Well, that was interesting.” Matt smirks at Alicia.

  “What?” She looks at all of us in turn as we stare back at her with grins on our faces.

  “You two were staring at each other like you wanted to devour each other. Do you know him?” I ask.

  “No, but I wish I did. Even if he is a manwhore, he’s sex on legs.” She sighs dreamily.

  “I feel you. That’s how it felt the first time I saw him an-”

  “And then you realized you were madly in love with Spencer and quickly forgot about all about poor Valentine,” Matt interrupts.

  "About time, Have." Alicia squeals.

  “No, that was later on, but yeah, seeing how much Spencer was hurting was definitely an eye opener.” I explain and I hear Matt mutter something under his breath but I can’t quite catch what he says. “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” He smiles and starts eating again. I really don’t understand men sometimes, well most of the time. Okay, I don’t understand men at all.

  As we’re walking out, Spencer walks in with a tall, slim woman with bleached blonde hair. Well there goes my day.

  “Spencer.” Matt greets him and does that weird man hugs thing men do. He whispers something in Spencer’s ear before they break apart. I have no idea what he said but considering Spencer looks at me with a confused expression on his face before sighing, I’m guessing it’s about me. Matt better not have told him what I admitted during lunch.

  “Hey, Love.” Spencer smiles at me and kisses my cheek. “H
ow do you feel?”

  “I’m alright.” I shrug. I’m far from alright, but I’m not about to make a scene and declare my undying love for my best friend when he’s on a date.

  “Your cheek?” He looks at it and brushes his fingers over the bruise.

  “When you’re not touching it, it’s not too painful. Unless I try to eat, or drink, or talk, or smile.” I frown and wince. “Add frowning to that list.”

  “Poor angel.” He hugs me and kisses my head.

  “You two are cute together,” the blonde interjects, smiling at us. Weird.

  “You are?” I ask her, wary of her.

  “Marissa Jones. I’m his accountant.” She extends her hand for me to shake it. I do so as I slyly look at Spencer with a 'seriously' look on my face.

  “You look more like a model than an accountant.” I raise my eyebrow at her.

  “Thank you for the compliment. Although that probably means you think I’m a dumb blonde, but I really am an accountant.” She smiles not taking the slightest bit of offence and hands me a business card. “If you ever need help with taxes or anything call me, I’ll give you a discount considering the amount of work this one is giving me.” She jokes and I’m not sure how I should take it.

  “What kind of work is he actually giving you?” I look at him raising my eyebrow, making it pretty much obvious that I don't like that they are hanging out together one bit, even if it is in a professional capacity.

  “You know, switching businesses, his bills and sorting out what he buys for himself versus what he buys for his job. It’s complete nightmare.” She frowns and I smile politely. If she’s full of shit then she’s a good actress.

  “Jealous?” Spencer whispers in my ear. I turn and glare at him.

  “Piss off.” I mouth and he smirks. “Your best friend Valentine is here too by the way, you should join him and his date.” I snicker.

  “Ugh, once again Cupid is interfering with my day.”

  “I thought you two had an understanding?”

  “Yes, to stay as far away from each other as possible.” He scoffs.

  “Men…” Alicia, Marissa and I all say at the same time.

  “Hey! Don’t gang up on us.” Matt pouts playfully.

  “You brought it upon yourself.” I shrug.

  “As fun as this is, we need to get back to work,” Alicia says earning groans from me and Matt.

  “And we have some work to do.” Spencer says squeezing my hand.

  “Not looking forward to it.” Marissa sighs dramatically.

  “Unusual place to work.” I look between the two of them.

  “I had to fit him into my schedule today and as this was an unplanned meeting I figured I might as well get lunch out of it.” She grins. I nod, still smiling politely but inside I’m an inferno. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m never like this!

  “Dinner tonight?” Spencer asks me bringing me back to reality.

  “Sure. Come over whenever you want.” I smile at him.

  “I’ll come pick you up.” He smiles and kisses my head.

  We all say goodbye and head back to work. I’m totally not in the mood to work. My mind is swirling like a storm, I’m delighted that I got to see Spencer but I’m fuming that he’s spending the afternoon with his supermodel accountant.

  “Stop frowning, you’ll get premature wrinkles,” Matt warns me.

  “I know.” I sigh and flip through a booklet I received for the article on Valentine’s new nightclub.

  “Is it because of the accountant?” Matt whispers loudly and dramatically.

  “Yes.” Matt looks at me stunned. “What? There’s no point in hiding it, the whole restaurant could see it.” I throw the booklet back on the desk.

  “You’ll always amaze me.” He chuckles.

  “That’s a good thing I suppose?”

  “Stop being a Debbie downer and smile. I’m pretty sure he came to that restaurant to see you.” He smiles sheepishly.

  “What have you done?” I look at him in horror as I sit at my desk.

  “Nothing, just instagramed that we were eating there today.” He admits, facing me and leaning his ass on my desk next to me.

  “So you’re saying Spencer saw it and decided to come with his ‘accountant’ to the same place as us because…”

  “I don’t know exactly why but yes, I think he did. After losing a few days with his best friend and with what happened last night, I’m sure he’d use anything as an excuse to see you and make sure you’re okay.”

  That makes me smile. “Well when you put it like that…but she just doesn’t seem like an accountant.”

  “I know, but why would they make that up. It’s not like you two are dating, he has no reason to lie to you.” He shrugs.

  “You’ve got a point. What did you whisper to him when you bro hugged him?” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Nothing.” He smirks.



  “Tell me.”

  “Nothing important. I didn’t tell him that you were madly in love with him if that’s what you’re worry about. You’ll know in due course.” He grins, looking all proud of himself.

  “God, you and your secrets! I hate you.” I cross my arms over my chest like a spoiled kid who hasn’t gotten their way.

  “Now, I know that’s not true.” He walks behind me and hugs me.

  “Whatever.” I scoff and hug the arm that’s draped across my chest.

  “I knew you loved me.” He chuckles and kisses my head before making coffee for everybody.

  That evening Spencer picked me up after work. We had a nice walk home, picked up some food from a deli on the way and settled in front of the TV for the evening. It was nice and relaxed and we were able to enjoy each other’s company without any drama for once.

  I still don’t know anything more about what Matt said to Spencer, who wouldn’t tell me either, and it is doing my head in. Just like Matt, he said I’ll know in due course. I’m starting to wonder if those two are conspiring against me…


  Friday Evening

  It’s five and I can finally turn off my computer. Thank God it’s Friday, this week has dragged. I tidy my desk and pack up my bag as I wait for Spencer. He still insists on walking me home whenever he can and I’m not about to complain, it’s nice to spend more time with him, but I live so close to work that I don't really see the point. I'm starting to think him and Valentine really did scare Adam off, or maybe killed him because I haven’t heard anything from him.

  “Lost in your thoughts again?” Spencer questions, scaring the living hell out of me.

  “Jesus! Are you trying to fucking kill me?” I gasp as my hand clasp over my heart, willing it to calm down.

  “No. Who would I annoy then?” He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. “How was your day?”

  “It was work. Yours?” I link my arm with his and we walk out.

  “It was good. Finalized a couple of things with Marissa.”

  “Marissa huh? The modelling accountant.”

  He chuckles. “Still jealous are we?”

  “You have to admit that she looks more like a model than an accountant.” I give him an 'are you serious' look.

  “Yes, but she’s really good at what she does.”

  “I’m sure she is.” He laughs and I glare at him. “It’s not funny.”

  “It is. You were giving me hell when I was jealous of Valentine and now the roles have reversed.” He smirks.

  I go to speak, but close my mouth because he’s right. “Okay, you’re right. I’m just looking out for you.” I shrug.

  “I know.” He smiles at me fondly and we walk to the corner shop to pick up a few things for tonight. “So what are you cooking me tonight?” I smile rubbing my hands together.

  “It’s good to see you smile again.”

  “It’s still a bit painful but a lot better. So…Food?” I press him.

is getting hangry.” He smirks.

  “You have no idea.”

  “I was thinking we could have the good old steak, roasted potatoes and salad. What do you think?”

  “Yes please! We should totally make cookies or brownies for dessert.” I smile.

  “Can’t argue with you on that.” He nods approvingly and we start filling the cart with what we need for tonight. He picks up a bottle of wine while I look at all the chocolate possibilities and settle on an assortment of Belgian chocolate.

  As usual, Spencer insists on paying, and I don’t have it in me to argue so we join the queue to pay before heading home with way too much food just for just two people.

  Just as we are about to enter the building, Valentine and a gorgeous redhead walk out. Spencer gives me a look. “I knew he had a thing for redheads,” he whispers. I roll my eyes at him and greet them.

  “Hey, Valentine.” I smile.

  “Hey.” Valentine replies and chuckles when he sees the look on Spencer’s face. “This is Amy. Amy, this is Haven, my neighbor and Spencer, her protector, bodyguard, best friend, he has many labels.” He chuckles making Amy giggle.

  “Nice to meet you guys,” she says with a wide smile.

  “Likewise,” Spencer says and even though he’s smiling, I can’t tell his not too happy to be near Valentine again. At least he’s not openly showing his distaste this time.

  “We should go in otherwise the ice cream is going to melt.” I remind Spencer.

  “It’s cold out, Have, it’s not going to melt that quickly.” I groan and shake my head at him.

  “Men never understand the importance of ice cream,” Amy says understanding me completely.

  “Tell me about it!” I exclaim. “And in man speak: hurry your ass inside, we are keeping them from their date.”

  “Oh.” Spencer and Valentine both snicker and shrug at each other. “Who knew?”

  “Men…” Valentine leans into Spencer and whispers something to him. What’s with all of the men in my life keeping secrets from me? Both men clap each other’s shoulders and Spencer leads me into the building. “What was that about?”

  “You’ll see.” He smirks as we get into the elevator.