Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  “I didn’t want to give you a heart attack if you found me in your place.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah, you definitely would have.” I chuckle and wince as the sound reverberates in my head.

  “That bad?”

  “Yeah, mixing different drinks wasn’t such a good idea.” I groan.

  “How many times have I told you to never mix?” He sighs.

  “I know. I know. But I’m the one paying for it now, not you.”

  “No, but I have to listen to you whine about it.” He chuckles.

  “Hey you’re the one who called. Hold on I need to pee.” I groan and get up, leaving my phone on the bed and stumble to the bathroom. I quickly do my business and wash my hands. I stumble back to my bed and face plant it. “Okay, I’m here.”

  “Looks like you had fun last night.” Spencer sounds hella pissed.

  “Yes, I did. You should have been there.”

  “Yeah, looks like it.” He sighs.

  “What’s wrong Spencer?” I sit up, expecting the worst.

  “Just looking at The Vault’s website and the pictures they’ve put up of you grinding with Valentine and a blonde bimbo.” Here we go again.

  “The blonde bimbo as you call her is Valery, Valentine’s sister. She’s a total sweetheart and spent the entire evening with me because I was on my own.” I groan getting frustrated with the conversation.

  “Why are you dancing so close to Valentine?”

  “I danced with him once or twice when Valery went to the bathroom, sue me.” I start to raise my voice which startles a poor sleeping Bernard. “Sorry Booboo.” I pet Bernard’s head.

  “I don’t like this.” Spencer groans.

  “I can tell. Look, you’re the one who said they couldn’t come, not me. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you went from being the best friend in the world who is so supportive and sweet to a bit of a dick in the span of a few hours. You completely ignored me and blew me off last night when we were supposed to hang out and have fun at the opening.” I instantly feel bad having a go at him, but he needs to see things from my point of view too.

  “I get it. Yes, I did cancel on you but I have a good reason.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s not important.”

  “Typical. Just be honest and tell me what’s wrong instead of letting my mind go crazy trying to figure out what I did wrong this time. It’s to do with Valentine isn’t it?”

  “You’re onto something.”

  “For fuck’s sake, he’s into someone else and would never want to come between us. He said so yesterday when we were having dinner. Which you were invited to but decided not to come!” I try to make him understand but I can tell it’s going into one ear and out the other.

  “He could be just saying that to get you to trust him and then fall into his arms.”

  “You’re being ridiculous, Spence.”

  “Really? That’d be an easy way to get someone.” I can just imagine him shrugging with a pissed off expression.

  “Well, even if he is into me and wants to seduce me, it won’t work. He might be good looking and all that, he’s not my type. He’s into too much fancy crap.”

  “Says the girl who used to love fancy things.”

  “Yeah, someone changed me when I was living with them, they reminded me that it’s the little things that matter the most.” I smile, playing with the necklace he bought me.

  “I wonder who that might be?” I relax when I hear the smile in his voice.

  “You know damn well who it is. Listen, I’m tired of fighting because of Valentine and you going hot and cold with him. I don’t completely understand what’s going on between the pair of you and I don’t care, it’s between the two of you. I don’t have anything to do with it and don’t want anything to do with it. I just want to be able to hang out with my neighbor without you throwing a fucking tantrum when it happens.”

  “Way to lay it into me, Have.”

  “You had that one coming. I have never done anything with Valentine and if you as much as mention dancing with him last night again, I’ll kick your ass next time I see you. When is that anyway? I miss your face.”

  “I miss your face too. Although I'm still looking through last night's pictures.”


  He chuckles. “Can you really blame me?”

  “Yes. Get off that damn website and bring me a bagel. Then you can see my face looking happy because you’re here.”

  “Because I’m there or because I’d have brought food?”

  “That’s a tough one”

  “What does the Princess want in her bagel?”

  “I’d rather be the Queen but Princess will do. Hmmm avocado, chicken and lots of chilies, please.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” He chuckles.

  “Much better, see you in a bit. I’m starving.” I giggle.

  “No wonder, you slept for twelve hours.”

  “What?” I shriek.

  “Look at your damn clock.” He chuckles.

  I do and notice it’s almost six in the evening. “Well fuck me!”

  “Don’t tempt me.” I can imagine the smug look on his face.

  “Ha, you wish.”

  “I’ll hang up before this gets too weird. See you in a bit.”

  “See you in a bit.” I smile and end the call.

  I get up and decide on a quick shower to wake me up. I cannot believe I slept twelve hours! That has got to be a record. I’m just about to rinse out my hair when I hear the front door open. I quickly rinse off and step out of the shower. I pat myself dry and towel dry my hair as best as I can. I pull on short shorts and a tank top before heading into the kitchen. I’m greeted by the sight of Spencer bending over to fill Bernard’s bowls. His perfectly toned ass is nicely showcased by his trademark grey sweatpants. I lean on the door frame and cross my arms, openly enjoying the view.

  “It’s rude to stare.” Spencer admonishes me and stands up.

  “Don’t put your ass up in the air for me to look at then?” I argue and walk to him, wrapping my arms around his waist as soon as I’m close enough. In return, he engulfs me in a big bear hug.

  “Glad you enjoyed the view.” He chuckles. “How do you feel?”

  “Rough.” I frown.

  “I’ve told you a thousand times, never mix your drinks but you never listen.” He shakes his head and kisses the top of mine.

  “I know. I was having fun and didn’t pay attention.” I grin sheepishly.

  “I saw.” He sighs and looks away.

  “Will you stop?” I make him look at me. “I do not see Valentine in that way.”


  “Besides, I was with his sister, not other men, even when we were dancing. She’s a blast.” I smile.

  “Looks like you made a new friend.” He smiles and unpacks the food he brought over.

  “Yeah, I was worried that we wouldn’t get along and that I’d be stuck with a dumb blonde, but she’s actually a lot of fun. She’s very good at sending the creepers away.”

  “So there were creepers…”

  “Yes, like everywhere else in the world.” I roll my eye at him.

  “That might explain the picture of the two of you kissing.” He scoffs.

  “Just a peck to send them away when they wouldn’t understand that we weren’t interested.” I shrug.

  “I’m not judging.” He holds his hands up.

  “I know.”

  “So, are you seeing her again?” he asks feigning being uninterested, but I can tell it's bugging him and maybe turning him on a bit. At that thought I burst out laughing.

  “Are you seriously jealous and that possessive?”


  “Okay…” I officially don't understand my best friend, maybe he's jealous of me making new friends?

  “It’s selfish of me, I know, I just don’t want to lose you. You’re the only family I have.” He hugs me.

  “I know a
nd you’re mine. Unless you do something really fucked up, you won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon.” I smirk and turn around to hug him properly.

  “That’s all I wanted to hear.” He smiles and kisses my head.

  “So, where’s my bagel?” I look in the bags but can’t see any.

  “It’s Sunday. The place was closed.”

  “Sunday fun day my ass!” I pout.

  “I brought everything to make our own and even picked up bacon as well.”

  “That’s why I love you, always one step ahead.” I grab two bowls from the cupboard above the sink and a container of frozen soup from the freezer.

  “Always.” I put the soup in the microwave to defrost whilst Spencer cooks the bacon.

  Thirty minutes later, we each have a humongous bacon, chicken, tomato and avocado bagels along with a bowl of soup. We settle in front of the TV and watch another horror classic, The Shining.

  After we’re done with the food, we relax and cuddle on the couch like we always do and I’m in heaven. His hand is traces random patterns on my hip and is wandering dangerously close to my ass making my brain turn to mush. I can’t focus on anything but the feeling of his fingertips on my hip.

  “You alright, Have?” Spencer brings me back to reality.

  “Yes, why?” I look up at him.

  “I don’t know, you keep squirming.” He shrugs and smirks.

  “If you’d stop touching my ass then maybe I wouldn’t be.” I shift my eyes at him, hoping he won’t stop.

  “You love it.” He shrugs and squeezes my ass.

  “I might.”

  “Might?” He snorts.

  “Yes, might.” I glare at him and poke his side.

  “Just relax and enjoy.” He smiles and looks at ease, all the worry from last night has completely vanished. Not sure what’s gotten him in such a good mood, but whatever it is I’m grateful. “This feels pretty fucking amazing.” He sighs happily and kisses my head.

  “Can’t argue with that.”

  Bernard jumps on the couch and cuddles up to Spencer. We look like a happy family. If only…

  I must have fallen asleep at some point because I’m woken up by strong arms lifting me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask and cuddle further into Spencer’s arms.

  “Shhhh, you fell asleep, I’m putting you to bed,” he whispers.

  “Thank you,” I mumble sleepily.

  “Don’t mention it.” He lies me down and pulls the covers over me. “Sleep now.” He kisses my head.

  “I love you, Spence.”

  “I love you too, Have.” I smile feeling his lips against my temple once more before falling asleep.

  I groan when I hear my alarm go off but I really don’t want to wake up. I was in my little dreamland heaven where I was having a series of amazing fantasies. My first dream was me confessing to Spencer that I was in love with him and him telling me that he felt the same way. That was pretty fucking magical. Then I dreamt of us going on a road trip across the States, having fun and wreaking havoc. Not that we would actually cause any trouble, but it was pretty fun to dream about.

  The last one was the best and was incredibly steamy, but of course, it’s always when you’re at the good part that you have to get up.

  I groan and turn off my alarm and then the following ones. Sleeping half of the day yesterday was such a bad idea, I’m still feeling rough and like I didn’t sleep at all. I’m getting too old for the clubbing scene.

  I pet Bernard who’s still sleeping happily at the end of my bed and get up. I need a shower, badly. Hopefully the warm cocoon of my shower will help me wake up and relax my tensed body. I have a long day today, I have to drive all the way to the Untamed Shadows' rehearsal for my interview with them, which I’m incredibly excited about. They are amazing guys and I can’t wait to see them hit the big time. After the interview I then have to drive all the way back and hope I don't get stuck in traffic, at least not for too long. I don’t want to be late because I’m going to the movie and for pizza with Spencer tonight. The classic teen date, but we do it whenever there’s something interesting at the cinema. We booked each other for this date months ago to see 'Crimson Peak' when it came out.

  I shoot a quick morning text to Spencer before stepping in the shower.

  Me: Morning Angelface, hope your day is bright!

  Spencer: Morning Sweetheart, someone is in a good mood.

  Me: I’m feeling rough and aching all over and I have work :(

  Spencer: I feel for you. I’m lying in bed, naked, enjoying the warmth and not moving till later :P

  Me: I. Hate. YOU!

  Spencer: You love me, you said so last night!

  Me: Why didn’t you stay? :(

  Spencer: No offence to your bed, but I like mine better, it’s comfier.

  Me: Can’t argue with that lol. Don’t forget our date tonight.

  Spencer: How could I?

  Me: Never know with you. I’m going to take a shower, brb.

  Spencer: Stop teasing me!

  Me: Never!

  I smile and clamber into the shower, relishing in the warmth, even though Spencer’s warm embrace would be a lot better. I take a longer shower today, needing the water’s help with my aching limbs. I wiggle my ass to the beats of 'Happy' which keeps getting interrupted by my phone buzzing on the counter. I’m pretty sure it’s Spencer messing with me.

  I turn off the shower and step out, drying myself quickly and wrapping a towel around me. I grab my phone and walk into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I look at my phone after putting two frozen breakfast muffins in the microwave.

  Spencer: So warm and cozy

  There is a picture attached to the text and I open to see Spencer wrapped up in his duvet looking all hot and sleepy.

  Spencer: How you wish you could stay in bed…

  Spencer: Or be in bed with this…

  I click on the picture attached to see a picture of his bare chest, his insane V and a part of his junk which is barely covered by his sheets.

  Spencer: You don’t know what you’re missing

  He’s sends another picture and in this one he’s actually grabbing his junk through the covers.

  I nibble my lip, getting all hot and bothered. Fucking hell.

  Me: Will you stop?

  Spencer: I’m sure you don’t want me to stop.

  He's sends another picture of his face this time smirking.

  Me: I’m trying to have breakfast.

  I send him a picture of me making an unimpressed face.

  Spencer: You’re flushed! Ha! I knew you fancied me.

  Me: Never hid that fact Spence. You’re hot and you know it, the whole world knows it lol

  Spencer: Can’t argue with that.

  Me: Humble much?

  Spencer: Humble is boring.

  Me: You’re lucky I know you or I would never want to see you again, you cocky bastard.

  Spencer: That bad?

  My phone pings with another picture of Spence but this time he’s pouting

  Me: Yes, that bad.

  Spencer: Why are you still friends with me then?

  Me: Because I know your cockiness is all an act and well you’re one of my only friends so I’m kinda stuck with you.

  Spencer: How nice…

  Me: You know I’m joking. <3

  I wait for a few minutes for his reply but it never comes. I sigh and facetime him, hoping he’ll answer. After a few rings, he finally does.

  “There you are!” I say around a mouthful of muffin.

  “That’s gross and I had to take a shit.” He smirks.

  “You’re gross, I’m eating!” I make a disgusted face down the phone.

  “I know, that’s why I said it.” He chuckles and gets back into bed.

  “Seriously? You’re going to lie in bed all day?”

  “Yes, wanna join me?” he says in a seductive voice, waggling his eyebrows.

  “I wish.” I pout.

>   “Really?” he asks me, sounding surprised.

  “Yes, it’d be better than going to work.”

  “Oh.” He looks disappointed.


  “Nothing, just thought you would want to spend the day with this naked body.” He shrugs as if everything was cool, but I can tell he’s upset.

  “Spencer, you know if I could, I’d spend all of my time with you.”

  “That’s always good to hear.” He smiles. “Are you in the office all day?”

  “Nope, just in the afternoon. I have my interview with Untamed Shadows this morning.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot it was today. Are you nervous?”

  “Yeah, a little bit. It’s not like it’s the first time I’m meeting them, but it’s still nerve-wrecking. I tried to come up with questions different to what they are usually asked, but it proved to be more difficult than I imagined. I just hope I don’t sounds like a total dumbass.”

  “Why would you?” He looks confused.

  “You know I don’t listen to their type of music. But I don’t want to seem like I don’t know shit about them or am after the same information as every other journalist.” I shrug.

  “You’ll do good, Love. Don’t worry.” He smiles at me reassuringly.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “When am I ever wrong? And don’t fucking mention your neighbor or I’m hanging up.”

  “Here comes the tantrum.” I sing with a grin on my face.

  “You’re a bitch, you know that?”

  “You love this bitch.” I shrug and shove the rest of my muffin in my mouth.

  “I still wonder why, but I do.” He chuckles.

  “This bitch has to get ready for her interview.” I frown.

  “What are you going to wear?” I walk into the bedroom and look into my closet.

  “I’m not sure. I was thinking skinny jeans and a flannel top. Something simple.”

  “Sounds good. You can even show some cleavage.” He smirks.

  “I don’t get you.”

  “Why not?” He looks confused.

  “You throw a fit when I just mention my neighbor's name, but now I can show some cleavage for a rock band?”

  “It’s a guy thing.” He shrugs.

  “Do you feel threatened by Val-”

  “Yes, let’s leave it at that.”

  “Weirdo.” I shake my head and place the phone high enough so he won’t see me naked when I dress.