Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 20

  “Want a massage?” I grin.

  “Not now.” He smiles and kisses me softly.

  “Why not?” I look at him in confusion after kissing him back.

  “Because it’s already seven, we need to go back to your place, feed Bernard and you need to get dressed for work.”

  “Way to kill my morning buzz.” I glare at him and sit up.

  “Where do you think you’re going, lady?” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back down to him.

  “Unless you want me to pee on your couch you need let me go to the bathroom.” I chuckle.

  “Alright, but just because I love my couch.” He pecks my lips and lets me up. I rush to the bathroom and do my business. I quickly brush my teeth with the toothbrush I leave here before heading back to the kitchen, where the sweet aroma of coffee teases me.

  “I still have a few chocolate buns at home, wanna come back and have breakfast with me?” I smile kissing the middle of his back.

  “I only want your buns.” He smirks turning around and squeezes my ass.

  “Seriously?” I look at him with a blank stare.

  “Yes. But chocolate buns sound good too.” He casually shrugs and fills two travel mugs with coffee and half and half.

  “You know me so well.” I pick up my mug and walk into the living room to get my stuff.

  “That I do and yet you still manage to surprise me.” He smiles and holds me with his free arm around my waist and pulls, bringing me to him for a kiss.

  “I’m glad we still surprise each other. You know, I thought it’d be awkward to kiss you at first.”

  “And the verdict?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “You’re a pretty amazing kisser and it wasn’t awkward at all.” I smile and kiss him softly.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, can’t wait to see if the sex will be weird.” He chuckles.

  “Can you imagine?” I look at him in horror.

  “Nah, not gonna happen, I’m way too good.” He smirks and I just want to slap the smirk off of his face.

  “You’re way too cocky for my own good.” I shake my head and walk out of his house.

  “You knew it long before last night so don’t use that excuse.” He chuckles and opens the car door for me.

  “That’s for sure. You’ll drive me crazy one of these days.”

  “Crazy in love?” he asks after getting in the car.

  “That’s already done, Love.” I smile at him.

  “Good.” He sighs happily and starts driving to mine. “Are you in the office all day today?”

  “Why? Spying on me?” I raise my eyebrow and take a sip of my much needed coffee.

  “Of course.” He looks at me seriously then grins. “No, just thought we could have lunch together?”

  “Sounds good to me, I’m working on my Untamed Shadows article for the rest of the week so I’ll be at the office every day.”

  “Good. Means I can see you more often.” He grins creepily.

  “Are you really going to be one of those boyfriends who needs to know where their girlfriends are at any given time?” I look at him with a seriously look on my face.

  “No, of course not. Just wondering what you have planned as I know you sometimes go out of the office.” He shrugs.

  “I don’t have anything out of the office for another two weeks I think. My next one is an interview with a ballet choreographer. That reminds me, I have tickets for one of her performances, so you’re forced to go with me.” I grin innocently.

  “You know I wouldn’t mind. Ballet wouldn’t be my first choice, but I’ll go with you.” He smiles.

  “You’re too sweet.” I smile and get out of the car as he parks in front of my building. “You coming up too?”

  “Well yeah…chocolate buns…and miss a chance to say hi to my buddy?” He cocks his head to the side.

  “Who? Va-”

  “Don’t you even think about finishing that name?” He glares at me playfully.

  “Too soon?” He rounds the car and joins me, resting his arm around my shoulder and kissing me.


  “Hey, he’s my neighbor, that’s all, stop freaking out or no sex for you.” I squint my eyes at him.

  “Threatening me already?”

  “If that’s the only thing that works, then yes.” I shrug.

  “I’ll work on it. Don’t ask me to be best friends with him though.”

  “I won’t, just be polite that’s all I’m asking.”

  “I can do that for you.” He kisses me and we walk in, taking the stairs this time.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, come on.” He pushes me slightly as he jogs past me and starts running up the stairs slowly.

  “Are you trying to kill me this early in the morning?”

  “Last one at yours is a loser.” He chuckles and keeps on going.

  “I’m a loser and I don’t care.” I chuckle and try to keep up, but he’s too fast for me. When I make it to my floor, I see him standing in the open stairwell doorway with his eyes fixed on something…or someone. As I walk up to Spencer, I see him and Valentine having a stare off. “Gentlemen.” I subtly warn them.

  “Haven.” Valentine greets me without taking his eyes off of Spencer.

  “Will you two stop?” I glare at both of them.

  “I’m not the one that has the problem.” Valentine shrugs breaking his stare to look at me. “I’m having a Halloween party on Saturday at the club. You’re both invited.”

  “Awesome!” I smile. I LOVE Halloween. It’ll be a good change to go out with Spencer for once. We haven’t gone out for Halloween in years.

  “We have plans already,” Spencer says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

  “I see you two finally got together.” Valentine gives us a genuine smile as he takes in Spencer’s hold on me.

  “Yes. Took us long enough.” I chuckle.

  “Who were you fucking yesterday afternoon?” Spencer asks him out of the blue.

  “Not that it’s any of your business…” Valentine replies.

  “Seriously? Doubting me again?” I glare at Spencer.

  “No, I just need some peace of mind.” He sighs.

  “Your accountant.” Valentine smirks.

  “What?” Spencer looks disgusted.

  “You heard me. She wanted some, called me and we hooked up.” Valentine shrugs. “What’s the problem?”

  “He thought you and I were fucking, he went ballistic.”

  “Like I told Haven the other day, I respect what you two had when you were just friends and what you have now. It was obvious that something was going on. I respect you both, even if you don’t trust me. I never would steal another man’s woman. However, if she comes to me, that’s another story.”

  “Right.” Spencer looks like he’s ready to punch Valentine.

  “Come on Saturday, even just for an hour. It’ll be fun and you can get pictures of the club all decked out in Halloween decorations for the magazine.” Valentine insists and Spencer sighs, he knows he won’t win this one, especially when work is mentioned.

  “We’ll be there,” Spencer says through gritted teeth.

  “Good, looking forward to that. Don’t forget to dress up.” Valentine smiles as he walks past us and down the stairs.

  “Dickhead.” Spencer mutters under his breath, making me chuckle.

  “You really hate him, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” He sighs and walks in.

  “What did he ever do to you?” I look at him.

  He thinks long and hard and before sighing again. “Nothing.” He stalks past me and walks to Bernard, picking him up. “At least you understand me, buddy.” He murmurs to Bernard as he pets him. Lucky cat.

  “Yeah, every time Bernard’s near Valentine he hisses at him.” At that, I’m pinned with Spencer’s intense gaze.

  “How many times has he been in here exactly?”

  I cross my ar
ms over my chest and hold his gaze. I’m not going to cower just because he’s pissed off and jealous. “A few times.”

  “You do know how to push my buttons.” He groans and walks into the kitchen.

  “Gotta keep you on your toes.” I laugh, kiss my two favorite men and go about getting them some food.

  “So? How many?” He chuckles nervously.

  “Well the first night was when we first met him, then the time he saved me from Adam, then there was the time he came in for coffee, then when he fixed my door, then when he came in because a fucking spider was threatening to murder me and finally to give me a massage, So that’d be six times?” I shrug and wait for his reaction.

  “He gave you a massage?” I can feel the anger emanating from him.

  “Nope. I’m still waiting for yours though.” I smirk.

  “That was mean.” He pouts. I kiss his pursed lips and nod.

  “I know, but you need to stop freaking out.”

  “I’ll try.” He sits at the counter and feeds tuna to Bernard.

  “What do you want to go as on Saturday?” I ask as I put the chocolate buns into the oven.

  “I don’t know, I don’t care.” He shrugs.

  “Don’t say that or you’ll end up dressed up as a Minion or Olaf.” I shrug.

  “Please tell me you’re not thinking of going as Elsa?” He looks at me terrified.


  “Kill. Me. Now, Bernard, please, I beg of you, rip my throat out,” he says as he brings Bernard up to his face and gives him a pleading look. I burst out laughing.

  “I was actually thinking of something from the Victorian era.” I look at him hoping he’ll agree.

  “Something from a costume shop or a proper outfit?”

  “Proper outfit.” I smile.

  “Loads of cleavage pushed up by a bustier? I highly approve of that.” He smirks.

  “Awesome!” I smile and show him a website on my phone. “Take a look and pick which one you want. They have a store not far from here.”

  “They have some cool stuff.”

  “Tell me about it!” I exclaim as I take the buns out of the oven. I cut them in half to let them cool for a minute before lathering them with butter. I pass Spencer his plate and pour us two glasses of orange juice before sitting down next to him.

  “Thanks, Love.” He kisses me and eats whilst looking through the website.

  I finish my food in record time and quickly shower to freshen up before getting dressed for work. When I walk back into the kitchen, Spencer looks at me with a content look on his face.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says in a barely audible whisper. I’m sure it’s a lie because I’m wearing skinny jeans, an oversized top and a slouch beanie because I was too lazy to wash my hair and couldn’t be bothered to put any make up on. He sure knows how to make a woman happy that’s for sure.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” I tell him which earns me one of his dazzling smiles.

  “Why thank you.” He chuckles and kisses me passionately.

  “My pleasure.”

  “I might have just reserved two outfits for us.” He grins innocently.

  “You what?” I look at him horrified. “What did you pick?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “How can you be sure I’ll like it or that it was the one I wanted?”

  “I know you, I know what you like and what you don’t like. I’m not sure it’s the one you would have picked, but it’s the perfect one. Trust me, please.” He begs me with his eyes.

  “Alright.” I chuckle. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He looks at me slightly worried.

  “What happened to you being into men?” I nibble my lip worried.

  He chuckles. “I was confused for such a long time. I had these feelings for you that I couldn’t act on and I was attracted to a lot of other people, both men and women. I never had any actual feelings for anyone besides you. I’ve been with my fair share of both sexes and every single time it left me feeling empty because there was no love. And before you ask, I gave, I didn't receive, you won’t have to use a strap-on with me.” He chuckles.

  “Well that’s reassuring.” I laugh. “You’re a bit weird. You know that?”

  “I do and it’s my weirdness that won you over.”

  “It might have been.” I shrug and kiss him, pressing my body into his as he leans against the counter with Bernard rubbing up against his back.

  “Looks like this little one is happy to see us together.” He chuckles.

  “He’s always loved you so it’s not that surprising.” I shrug and grab my bag and notes from yesterday.


  “Whenever you are.” I smile.

  “Clearly, you’re not ready.” He chuckles.

  “Why not?” I look at him confused and follow his amused gaze to my feet. “Forgot my shoes.” I mumble and hurry to my room to put on a pair of sneakers. “Better?” I ask walking back to him.

  “Much.” He chuckles and leads me out of my apartment after making sure Bernard has food and water.

  We make our way downstairs to his car and it’s a good thing the drive to work isn’t long because I’m already five minutes late.

  Spencer drops me off in front of the office and refrains from coming in this time.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Call or text if anything.” He pulls me closer for another kiss.

  “I will. See you later.” I kiss him again and get out of the car, turning around to the entrance of the building to wave at him.

  This day could not have started any better.



  The past week has flown by. I saw Spencer every night and every night he made me fall a little bit more in love with him, if that was even possible. He really is trying with Valentine, but I can tell it’s hard on him so I’ve kind of given up, at least for now.

  Tonight is the night of Valentine’s Halloween party and I was worried about the outfit Spencer picked for me, but it turns out to be perfect. It’s a short, black, velvet dress with purple accents. The sleeves are made of black lace and it has a sweetheart neckline with the bustier really pushing my boobs up. Spencer is going to have a field day looking at them all night. The boots he chose are to die for and I’m totally using them as every day boots. They are black with cream accents in the brogue style and they stop mid-calf.

  Spencer looks fucking hot in his outfit. He’s dressed a simple three-piece suit with purple accents to match mine. The waistcoat hugs his narrow waist perfectly and the pants make his ass look marvelous.

  I smile as I look at mine and Spencer’s reflection in his full length mirror.

  “We definitely were born in the wrong era. This is so our style.” He smirks whilst staring at my boobs.

  “I’m not going to start wearing corset for your pleasure.” I look at him.

  “You’re no fun.” He kisses my head and fixes my hair, placing the curls perfectly over my shoulders.

  “I am, you’re just too focused on my boobs to realize it.” I shrug.

  “It’s not my fault if they’re literally in my face.” He chuckles and gives each boob a kiss.

  “Weirdo.” I shake my head as put on my boots.

  “And proud.” He fixes his collar and holds his arm out to me.

  “Oh, I know you’re proud.” I smile, linking my arm in his as we head out.

  “After you ma’am.” He smiles and opens the door for me. I walk out and wait for him by the car as he locks the front door. He walks round to the passenger side to open the door for me before running around the car to climb into the driver’s seat. I’m actually excited for this party. We don’t usually do much for Halloween besides sit around watching movies and pigging out on food. A part of me wishes we were doing that this year, but the kid in me is excited to go out. I’m not sure how long Spencer will handle being there, it’s not that he doesn’t like going to bars or clubs, bu
t going to Valentine’s club is something different.

  “What are you thinking about?” Spencer asks, bringing me back to reality.

  “How long you’ll last at Val’s club.” I grin innocently.

  “We’ll see.” He smiles, but I know it’s forced.

  “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

  “I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” He smiles at me.

  “If you say so.” I lean over to kiss his cheek and put on some music. We’re both on edge about tonight.

  A few minutes later, we park by the club and the queue is already insane. It stretches around the corner of the street and halfway down the road. Even though it’s a brand new club, it already has its regulars. I smile as I take in the club, Valentine definitely gone all out with the Halloween theme, he has completely decorated the front with giant spiders, spider webs, witches and various other spooky things. There are even two talking skeletons standing on either side of the entrance.

  One of the bouncers waves at me as we walk towards the club. He greets me and hands me an envelope before letting us in. I check what’s in it and grin as I pull out two VIP passes with free unlimited drinks.

  “I’m slowly warming up to him.” Spencer chuckles and I show him each level on the way to the VIP lounge. I remember to snap a couple of pictures of the decorations and staff in amazing costumes and make up for the magazine. My favorite has to be the Freddy Krueger impersonator, he looks like he could be the real one.

  As we make our way to the top floor, we cross Valery and Valentine on the stairs.

  “I’m glad you two made it.” Valentine smiles at us. “Spencer, this is my baby sister, Valery. Val, this is Spencer, Haven’s boyfriend.” He smiles introducing them.

  “Nice to meet you. I love your costumes.” Valery beams. She's dressed as an angel. She has a long white dress and wings, paired with Converse for comfort. Her make-up is stunning.

  “Nice to meet you too.” Spencer bows kissing the back of her hand. Always the gentleman.

  “I love your costume too, Val. It looks amazing. What are you though? A slightly grumpier club owner?” I ask Valentine pointing at him, looking at his so called ‘costume’ and raise my eyebrow at him.