Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 21

  “Didn’t have time to change yet. Mine is in my office. Can I leave Val with you two and go get changed. This is a nightmare. A good one but it’s so busy already and we only opened thirty minutes ago.” He chuckles.

  “Yes of course.” I smile and link my arm with Val's.

  “Thanks.” Valentine smiles and starts to leave, but turns back at the last minute. “Can we talk?” He asks Spencer who just nods in response.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kisses me quickly.

  “We’ll be in a booth upstairs.” I tell Spencer and smile nervously. What on earth are they going to be talking about?

  “Okay, Love.” Spencer smiles back at me, kisses me again and leaves me with Valery. We walk up the last flight of stairs and make our way to one of the free VIP booths where we are handed the cocktail of the day. I’m not sure what it is, but it tastes amazing.

  “I’ve already had two. They are so good but I have a feeling I’m going to pay for them tomorrow.” She giggles.

  “I’m sure I will too. I can’t mix drinks tonight or Spencer will kick my ass. What are they?” I make a face.

  “Alabama Slammers! They are my favorite!” Valery exclaims.

  “They are becoming my favorite too,” I say loudly over the music and take another sip.

  “You and Spencer make the perfect couple.” She sighs longingly. “How long have you been dating?”

  “It's only been a couple of days. Is there no man in your life?”

  “No.” She shrugs. “I’m way too shy and if I do meet someone, Valentine never approves so I’m kinda screwed.”

  “I know how you feel. Men suck the fun out of everything sometimes.”

  “That they do.” She frowns.

  “Do you have any idea what Valentine wanted to talk about with Spencer?” I ask.

  “No, I have no clue, but my brother is a good guy, he won’t start any shit.”

  “I’m not worried about your brother, I’m worried about Spencer. He’d be the one to start anything. He’s had a problem with Valentine since the first time they met and I still think there’s more to their issues than what Spencer has told me, but I really don’t want to start another fight with him over Valentine.”

  “They’ll be okay, who knows, maybe they’ll be BFF’s after this.” We look at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Yeah right.” I shake my head still laughing.

  “I love this song!” Valery shouts as 'Tear You Apart' by She Wants Revenge starts playing. She doesn’t leave me much choice but to stand up in our booth and start dancing. Suddenly, I feel hands on my hips guiding them backwards, I turn around and I’m ready to slap whoever it is, but I stop an inch away from my unwanted dance partner’s face when I see that it’s just Spencer.

  “Good call.” He chuckles and kisses me, grinding with me as I continue to dance.

  “How did it go?” I look at him for any trace of bruising or swelling, but I can’t see any.

  “We’re good.” He winks and gives my ass a squeeze.

  “You’re good?”

  “Yes.” He kisses me and spins me around. I guess I’m not going to get anything more out of him at the moment so I drop it for now, but once we get home, and if I’m not too drunk, the Spanish inquisition will be back.

  Instead of staying for an hour like we had originally planned, we spend hours dancing, talking as best as we can and drinking. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. When Valentine finally joined us, him and Spencer exchanged a knowing look before sharing a drink together. I was gob smacked when it happened but Valery and I kept dancing to give them a moment since they were getting along. I still don’t know what they talked about, but at least things are better now, it’s one thing less to worry about.

  Valery and I are midway through singing 'Bad Romance' at the top of our lungs when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and to see an amused Spencer.

  “We should get going.”

  “Why?” I whine.

  “Because you’re drunk and we have to get up early tomorrow.”

  “Why? Where are we going?” I look at him confused, I might be drunk, but I don’t remember making any plans.

  “It’s a surprise, please.” He pouts and holds me close, licking my neck.

  “Spencer, if you don’t want me to jump you in front of everybody stop that.” He chuckles against my throat and bites me gently.

  “Who says I wouldn’t like that?” He smirks.

  “Yeah, knowing you, you’d love the attention.” I glare at him.

  “No. When we have sex, it’s me and you, nobody else, no cameras, no nothing. Just me and you,” he says with such intensity that he leaves me breathless. “Shall we?” He smirks as he looks at my flustered face. I nod.

  “We’re going home!” I declare, sounding way too happy about it.

  “Can you drop me home? I don’t feel like waiting for the party to be over.” Valery asks.

  “Of course. Check with your brother if it’s alright.” Spencer smiles. She nods and walks over to Valentine who’s talking with a leggy blonde. He smiles and hugs his sister before giving a nod at Spencer who reciprocates.

  “You two are best buds now?” I chuckle.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” He smiles at me and kisses me. Valery and I link our arms with Spencer and he helps us down the stairs. Thankfully he didn’t drink tonight so he can drive us back safely. “Where are you staying?” he asks Valery as he helps us in the car.

  “At the Oxford hotel.” She smiles.

  “Why aren’t you staying with your brother?” He asks as he buckles her up.

  “I don’t really fancy seeing all of his lady friends in the morning when I’m drinking my morning coffee.” She shrugs.

  “Amen to that. I can hear him through the wall.” I shudder.

  “Gross.” She makes a gagging sound.

  “Tell me about it.” I giggle.

  “I heard about you two faking it the other night.” She giggles.

  “He told you?” I ask surprised.

  “Yes. I saw him the next day and asked him how his date went. He said the girl was sweet but way too clingy so he said he had asked Spencer to have some fake sex at the same time to scare her away. Weird way to go about it, but it worked. Good thing she wasn’t a freak in the sheets or he’d still be stuck with her. He doesn’t know how to say no to a woman or how to treat them properly when he wants more than just one night,” she says sadly.

  “I know. When we had dinner before the opening and we were talking about a woman he seems to like and he sounded like an inexperienced virgin. It was hilarious.” I chuckle.

  “Seriously?” Spencer snorts.

  “Yeah.” I grin and shake my head because he’s way too happy about this.

  “Yeah, he’s only had one semi-serious relationship when he was nineteen and she led him on before breaking his heart. He’s been a manwhore ever since. It’s a shame because he’s such an amazing guy, but he just doesn’t know how to act around a women without throwing money at everything. He always attracts the wrong kind of women.”

  “That’s for sure. I think I know who he’s into though.” I grin wide.

  “Who?” Spencer and Valery ask at the same time.

  “Alicia, my co-worker. When they first met sparks were flying.” I beam.

  “Really? So there’s hope.” Valery smiles.

  “Yes. I know she fancies him too, but knowing how your brother is, which she is well aware of it, I’m not sure whether she would go for it.”

  “Could you ask? I wanna set them up.” Valery smirks rubbing her hands together.

  “Girl, we’re so thinking the same thing.” I smirk and we high five.

  “Fuck me.” Spencer mutters under his breath.

  “Don’t be scared. We’re not evil.” I kiss his cheek.

  “I know you’re not but I feel for Valentine.” He chuckles.

  “Well, that’s a first.”

know, but with you two ganging up to find him a girlfriend? Poor guy, I can’t wait to witness it.” He laughs.

  “We’re not ganging up on him. We’re just trying to make both of them go for it.” I shrug.

  “Alright. I’ll be in the front row seat with popcorn watching you two mad women at work.” He chuckles and pulls to a stop in front of the hotel. He jumps out of the car and helps Valery out. They round the car and she opens my door to hug me.

  “Thanks for tonight. I had so much fun. We still need to do lunch.” She smiles.

  “Next week for sure.” I smile.

  “Sweet! Have a good night.” She waves at me and Spencer walks her inside the hotel until she’s safely on the other side of the guarded door.

  “You’re a good man Spencer.” I look at him with adoration after he slips back into his seat.

  “Uh, thanks?” He looks at me confused.

  “You helped her get out, walked her into the hotel made sure she was safe with the guards inside. That’s nice of you.” I smile.

  “Oh. Well, there are too many creeps around and I didn’t want her to be bothered, especially when she’s drunk.” He shrugs as if it was no big deal.

  “That’s what I said, you’re a good man.”

  “If you say so.” He smiles at me and takes my hand, kissing each knuckle. “Your place or mine?”

  “Up to you, depends how tired you are: not too tired then yours, too tired then we’re off to mine.” I shrug, not minding either way.

  “Yours it is.” He chuckles. “I’m beat.”

  “Me too.”

  “It’s no surprise with all the cocktails you had.”

  “At least I didn’t mix this time.”

  “True. I’m proud of you.” He chuckles and drives the short distance to my building and into the underground parking. We take the elevator up to my apartment and as soon as I’m inside, I make a bee line to the bathroom before face planting my bed.

  “I missed you so much.” I mumble into my pillow.

  “Who are you talking to?” I hear Spencer’s amused voice from behind me as he removes my boots.

  “My bed. It’s so comfy.”

  “I know.” He chuckles and strips me down to my underwear. I’m already half asleep when he’s taken off his clothes and joins me under the covers. He lies behind me, wraps himself around me and kisses the crook of my neck. “Goodnight, Love.”

  “Goodnight, Angelface.” I chuckle and then everything goes black, and the last thing I am consciously aware of is Spencer chuckling as I fall into a deep, drunken sleep.


  I smile as I feel soft lips with a slight stubble around them kiss a trail down my naked back. I moan and roll onto my stomach so I’m sprawled like a starfish in the bed. I whimper at the loss of the soft lips, but I soon feel them again, carrying on kissing my back. I writhe under the light touches, but yelp when I feel teeth bite my ass. It’s not painful, but is enough to make me jump and wake up properly.

  “Spencer, you suck!” I groan.

  “You’ll be the one doing the sucking.” He nudges my arm and rolls me so he’s under me.

  “Not if you keep this up.” I sigh.

  “Spoilsport.” He chuckles.

  “Why are you waking me up anyway? What time is it?” I sigh and kiss his chest.

  “It’s eight and we have somewhere to go,” he says brushing hair away from my face.

  “Let me get this straight. It’s Sunday, I was drunk just a couple hours ago and you’re waking me up at eight in the morning for what?” I look up and glare at him. “It is the morning right?” I look out the window the check if it’s still light outside, making him chuckle.

  “Yes, it’s morning and I’m waking you up because I have a surprise for you, but it’s a two hours’ drive from here.”

  “Why can’t your surprise be closer?” I pout.

  “Because it’s not something you can actually move from place to place so we have to go to it,” he says amused by my need to sleep.

  “It better be a good surprise or I’m dumping you.” I groan and try to roll away off of him.

  “Not so fast, Missy.” He holds me close to him. “Good morning,” he whispers against my lips.

  “Good morning,” I whisper kissing him back.

  “Still the best way to wake up.” He smiles into the kiss.

  “Good, I’ll never have to wake you up with a blowjob then!” I joke and kiss him again.

  “Now that’s not fair.” He pouts.

  “Be careful with what you say around women.” I snicker. “Can I get up now?”

  “Yes. Go take a shower; I’ll pack a couple of things while you get ready.” He smiles and smacks my ass.

  “Really?” I look at him and he smirks.

  “Go, or we’ll be late.” He winks. I trudge into the bathroom, but not without sneaking a quick look at him. He still has that the same expression of contentment that he had yesterday. He finally looks at peace, which is incredible to see, especially when you know the shit he had to put up with growing up.

  I step into the shower and make quick work of washing myself. Not that I don’t want to take my time under the warm water, but Spencer looked rather excited about his surprise so I don’t want to make him wait too long, and I want to see what he has planned. I quickly wash and condition my hair and shave in all the right places. You never know what could happen and when. I step out of the shower and dry myself quickly before wrapping my hair in a towel.

  I walk back to my room to see underwear, sweatpants and a flannel shirt laid out on my bed with a note.


  Quickly went to get my stuff and breakfast. If you’re not dressed when I’m back your ass is mine!

  I love you.

  Spencer xx

  I smile as I finish reading the note, it’s so him. I put the note in the box with all the other notes from Spencer before quickly getting dressed. I’m about to look through the bag he packed when an amused voice stops me.

  “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Spencer chuckles.

  “Just checking what you packed. Just my luck, you only packed sexy lingerie, I will be expecting a fashion show from you Mister.” I shrug.

  “Fuck! I did not think of that.” He pouts.

  “Awww, you’re so cute.” I smile and hug him.

  “You’re the cute one. I’m the manly one, I should be hot or handsome, not cute.” He feigns being outraged.

  “Hot, handsome AND cute.” I grin innocently.

  “Ready to go?” He chuckles.

  “Just a minute.” I grab my detangler and walk to the bathroom, quickly getting rid of any knots in my mane. I apply Moroccan oil down the length of my hair and pull it up into a messy bun. I’m too lazy and impatient to dry it, so it’ll have to be au naturel this time. “Ready.” I smile as I walk back into the kitchen. “In your note you mentioned something about breakfast…”

  “It’s in the car.” He smiles and grabs my bag and Bernard’s travel case.

  “He’s coming too?” I beam.

  “Of course. I’m not leaving him here on his own.” He frowns as if to say I’m crazy to even consider leaving him.

  “Valentine could have watched him.” I shrug and follow him outside after making sure everything is turned off. I lock the front door and we walk down the stairs.


  “Back to being moody about him?”

  “No, we’re cool.” He smiles at me and props open the front door of the building for me to walk ahead of me.

  “Thank you. Are you ever going to tell me what you two talked about the other night?” I press.

  “Manly stuff.”

  “Manly stuff?” I scoff.

  “Yes. It’s nothing much really. Just about how I felt about you and what my issue with him was and that’s it.” He shrugs.

  “I know there’s more to it than that, but I’ll let you keep that a secret, the last thing I want is to fight.”

  “Smart choice.” He smiles and puts my bag and Bernard on the back seat before handing me a box of donuts.

  “So you’re saying that if I kept asking we’d fight?” I raise my eyebrow and open the donut box, I’m salivating just from looking at them.

  “No. It’s just one of those things, like girl talk, you never say what you girls talk about, it’s the same thing.” He smiles. “Nothing bad was said. We didn’t threaten each other or anything. Don’t worry.”

  “Alright. Well I’m here if you ever wanna talk about it, or anything else.” I look at him and take a bite of peanut butter filled donut.

  “Have, you’ve been here for me for over twenty years, you’re the only person I would come to.” He looks at me with a serious expression on his face and a slight smile playing on his lips.

  “I’m glad you do,” I say around a mouthful of dough, covering my mouth with my hand.

  “God, you’re gross for a lady.” He chuckles and starts driving, taking a sugar glazed donut from the box.

  “Nothing new there.” I shrug and keep eating. “How long ‘til we get there?”

  “Two hours.” He smiles and turns on the radio for some background music.

  “Two hours? Where the hell are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see.” He’s got that smug look on his face, yet again.

  “We’ll need to stop for a coffee. There’s no way I can handle a two hour drive without any caffeine.”

  “I was planning on going to the Starbucks drive thru.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I smile and turn around to check on Bernard who’s already asleep in his crate. “Wait. You’ve packed enough clothes for a couple of days, I have work tomorrow.” I look at him confused.

  “Don’t worry about anything, it’s all been taken care of.” He beams.

  “Really?” I look at him skeptical.

  “Yes, I called Matt and asked for your boss’ number who I then called to ask for a couple of days off.” He shrugs.

  “And he said yes? Just like that?”

  “Yeah, he said he was quite happy with your work and that you deserved a break.”

  “You’re bullshitting me.” I chuckle.

  “I’m not. You’re due back into work on Thursday. That leaves us four days to spend together, just the two of us.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.