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Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Page 6

  “Goodnight, Matt.” I blow him a kiss, giggling and unlock the main door. I wave at him before stepping inside.

  My day started, well, roughly to say the least. I wasn’t happy at all, but tonight I’m feeling amazing. I have four new amazing friends, a date in a couple of days and I’m seeing my best friend this weekend. What more could a girl ask for besides a hot chocolate before bed and a full night of sleep?


  Three Days Later

  Today is Thursday. It’s also the day Matt’s friend picked for our blind date. To say I’m nervous and shitting myself is putting it mildly. I hate meeting new people. I’m extremely awkward and I can’t form coherent thoughts and sentences easily, how am I supposed to get through a dinner with someone I don’t know? I do want to meet a nice guy that I can share my life with, I thought it was Adam, but when we broke up, it didn’t hurt. I was more preoccupied by what I’d do with my life than by the fact that my boyfriend had cheated on me with my friend. What does that say about me and our relationship?

  I’m sat at my desk, trying to get some work done but I’m struggling to focus again. I’m preparing for an interview with a fashion designer. I wouldn’t call myself a fashion expert, I mean, I know a few things, but my knowledge is limited to slippers and jammies and I want to make a good impression. Fashion publicity is what helps run this magazine. They pay us good money to feature in our magazine and if I fail this interview, it could cost us a lot of money and a client. The woman I’m replacing was the fashion expert of Colorado, but she got the opportunity to start her own TV show so she moved on. I’m glad she did because otherwise I wouldn’t be here, but fuck me it’s hard to fill her shoes. I’m much more comfortable working the music and cinema aspects of my job.

  Apparently the motto in this industry is ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ so I guess that’s what I’ll do. How hard can it be?

  I’m lost in my research about this new designer, the clothes they are making and their history when Matt scares the living hell out of me by dropping a box of donuts next to me. I was completely focused on an article I was reading that I didn’t hear or see him come in.

  “Are you out to fucking kill me?” I all but screech.

  “Not particularly, no. Why?” He grins smugly at me.

  “Very funny, Matt.” I glare at him.

  “Donut?” He smiles cheekily and opens the box, tempting me with this sugary goodness.

  “You’ve found my weakness.” I grin and take a peanut butter donut. Hands down the best one you can get. It’s coated with a thick layer of chocolate and peanuts and the center is filled with peanut butter and chocolate swirls.

  “Well I try.” He smiles and takes one. “Ready for tonight?” he asks before taking a big bite out of his donut.

  “Not at all.” I shrug.

  “How come?” He looks at me confused.

  “Because I suck at meeting new people. It’s going to be awkward as hell and tomorrow he’ll tell you how he doesn’t want to see me again.” I frown.

  “Stop stressing, you’ll be fine, Gorgeous. You handle us lot just fine.” Matt grins at me whilst waving his hand in the direction of the others.

  “Well I hope you’re right.” I take a bite of my donut and moan.

  “You could turn any gay man straight.” He chuckles and I roll my eyes at him.

  “Sure, I could.” I respond and roll my eyes.

  “I mean it.” He grins and blows me a kiss. “And to solve your little problem with men. Just pretend you’ve known him for a while. He’s a good guy and really friendly. You two will be fine, I’m one hundred percent sure you’ll have a good time and will get along really well. Don’t worry.” He winks.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I’m always right.” He smirks before turning back to his computer.

  I return my attention back to my research whilst eating two more donuts, which I am fully aware I probably shouldn’t have eaten because I won’t be able to eat much tonight, but my hands picked them up without my brain registering. My appetite will already be hindered by my nerves and if I’m already full, he’s going to think I’m self-conscious about eating in front of him. Okay, I might be being a little dramatic but if you were in my shoes you’d feel the same, at least if you have social anxiety, if not, then you are a blessed soul!

  I groan and smack my screen when my internet connection suddenly fucks off to Neverland. Whilst hitting the thing won’t fix it the problem, it releases some of the frustration I feel right now.

  “What did the screen do to you, Have?” Matt chuckles.

  “Piss off.” I glare at him and sigh.

  “Just because you’re shitting your cute little lace thong because of tonight doesn’t mean you can be rude to me.” He raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me. I swear he has better eyebrow game than I do. Life's unfair sometimes.

  “For once it’s not about tonight. Internet is fucking up and I was in the middle of something.” I frown.

  “Let me see.” He wheels his chair to my desk and rolls me away. He opens a couple of windows, checks a few things and suddenly Internet is back. I don’t know what he did but he’s a life savior. “There you go.” He smiles and wheels himself back to his desk.

  “What did you do?”

  “Your firewall was blocking the access to a protected server, I just unlocked it.” He shrugs as if it was no big deal. I have no clue what he just did or just said but it worked so I’m all for it.

  “Thank you. Saves me smacking the computer a couple more times.” I chuckle.

  “Yeah, Mr. Mezrani wouldn’t have been too happy with that.”

  “That’s for sure. Thank you again.” I smile.

  “Anytime, Gorgeous.” He returns my smile before focusing on his own screen.

  I get back to work and finish the research for my interview. Let’s hope I can fake it and make a good impression because I have no clue what I’m doing.

  The time for me to leave work and head home to get ready for my date comes all too soon. I’m not at all excited at the prospect of it, in fact I’m dreading it. Why did I let Matt talk me into this again? I walk home and enjoy the crisp fall air. I absolutely love this season. I mean, what’s not to love? It’s all sweaters, hot chocolate, leaves turning all kinds of beautiful shades of orange, Halloween, pumpkin everything, and cozy movie nights. It’s heaven. At least it’s put me in a good mood that will hopefully continue so my evening won’t be as bad as I’m imagining at the moment.

  I walk up the stairs to my apartment instead of taking the elevator, deciding a bit of exercise would be good for me considering the three donuts I ate today. Matt tempted me with the last one whilst I was stuck with my research. I couldn’t say no; that would have been rude! I race up the stairs as if I was being chased by zombies and even look behind me for good measure because, well, you never know. I chuckle at my own silliness and open to my door. I’m barely inside when Bernard starts rubbing himself all over my legs which can only mean one of three things: he’s either done something naughty and I’ll find something sprawled all over the floor, he’s hungry or he just missed me. I look around in the living room and so far so good. I take off my shoes and jacket and pick him up. I groan when I kiss his head, he's all sticky and smells like cotton candy. The little shit. I quickly walk into my bathroom and find my bottle of cotton candy shower gel on the floor, completely ruined.

  “At least you smell good.” I sigh and shake my head before setting him down on the floor. I guess it’s my own fault for leaving the bathroom door open, he loves lying in the shower for some bizarre reason. I set him down and fill his dry food bowl and water before pouring myself a large glass of wine. I’ll need liquid courage for tonight. I place my phone in the docking station and play some upbeat music before going into my room to pick an outfit for tonight.

  It takes me ten minutes just to figure out what to wear and I settle on a dark grey sweater dress with a V-neck. It’s not so deep tha
t it shows a lot of cleavage but is still a bit revealing and making my boobs look bigger than they are. Not sure if it’s a good idea to show so much boob but it’s the only outfit I have that is close to being date appropriate. The rest of my clothes are rather boring and cover my curves. I pick a pair of high-heeled boots and burgundy pantyhose. I lay everything on the bed and go into the bathroom.

  I take a quick shower, using what’s left of my cotton candy shower gel. I wash my hair and deep condition it as I shave. I highly doubt I’ll be getting naked tonight, but a girl’s gotta be prepared. Besides, might as well make myself feel good even if tonight doesn't meet my expectations at the end of the night.

  I rinse and step out of the shower. I’ve barely stepped out when Bernard jumps in, ignoring the water that’s still draining away. Weirdo. I towel dry my body and wrap my hair in a big towel. I sip my wine as I walk back to my room. I find my body oil that makes my skin feel silky soft and rub it over my arms, legs and boobs. Gotta make the girls feel special.

  I finish the rest of my wine and get dressed, squeezing myself into my pantyhose. Not an easy task after taking a shower and applying body oil. I pull the dress over my head and look at my reflection in my full sized mirror. Not too bad if I do say so myself. The dress accentuates my curves in all the right places whilst camouflaging my tummy. I wander back into the bathroom and blow-dry my hair. I apply some mousse and let it do its own thing. It’s pointless to even try to tame my mane right now, I’m running out of time and this is at least an hour’s work when I’m supposed to meet Vincent in the lobby in ten minutes. I spritz on perfume and apply some make up, focusing mainly on my eyes and lips. I stay as far away from blusher and bronzer as possible. Knowing myself, I’d end up looking like a Jersey girl. I have zero makeup skills.

  I hear my phone ping from the kitchen. I put on my boots and walk to the docking station. I pick it up and see a text from Vincent.

  Vincent: Hey Haven, it’s Vincent. I’m a little early so come down whenever you’re ready.

  At least, he seems nice and isn’t pressuring me to hurry. That’s makes a change, Adam always used to go on and on about how long it took me to get ready

  I usher Bernard out of the bathroom and close the door. That’s right you little fucker, no more bathroom products for you! I make sure everything is turned off before I grab my cowl neck cape and my bag. I lock the door behind me and take the elevator. I don’t want to risk falling on my face in the stairs with my heels. It also gives me a few seconds to collect myself. The closer I get to the ground level, the more nervous I get.


  I step out of the elevator and see a man standing by the main entrance. From where I’m standing, he looks quite handsome. Vincent is tall with broad shoulders, sandy blonde hair and a dazzling smile that lights up his face when he spots me. I smile back and make my way to him.

  He meets me half way. “Haven, it’s lovely to finally meet you. Matt has told me so much about you.” He smiles.

  “Ah, it’s nice to meet you too, Vincent. Matt hasn’t told me much about you I’m afraid.” I chuckle nervously.

  “Well, we have all the time we want to get to know each other.” He opens the door for me and we walk out of the building. He holds his arm out for me to take and I do. So far he seems to be the perfect gentleman.

  “We do.” I smile nervously.

  “Don’t be so nervous. I don’t bite.” He chuckles.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just not used to dating.” I offer him an apologetic smile.

  “Don’t be sorry. I hope I’ll make you enjoy dating again, well at least dating me.” He grins.

  “I hope so too.”

  “How do you feel about going to Panzano? I know it’s just down the street but my car broke down this morning and I couldn’t get a replacement. I had reservations at Linger but there’s no way we can walk there.” He looks at me apologetically.

  “I love Panzano. I don’t mind at all.” I smile, feeling a little relieved that we’ll be in a familiar place.

  “Awesome.” He sighs in relief. “I thought you were going to be mad that we aren’t going to a fancy restaurant.” He chuckles.

  “Panzano is one of my favorites. I’m not really the fancy restaurant type of girl, if you walk out of a place still hungry and in need of a McDonalds then you haven’t been out at all and I don’t think my ass would thank me if I had to eat a Big Mac tonight.” I shrug and laugh.

  “Your ass is perfect, don’t change it and I have to agree. It’s just that women always seem to want the most expensive things all the time. I apologize for thinking you were one of them.” He bows and grins. Damn, that smile.

  “Why thank you.” I blush at the compliment about my ass. “Apology accepted. My work might involve fashion and expensive things but I’m not like that.” I shrug and walk in as he opens the door to Panzano for me. The smell of this place is divine, like freshly cooked pizza dough mixed with the sweet aroma of tomato, basil and garlic. Heaven.

  A young woman seats us at a table by the window, overlooking the still busy street. Vincent kindly helps me out of my cape and looks at me with an amused expression.

  “What?” I look at him confused.

  “Your hair.”

  “Oh god.” I'm mortified, my hair is full of static and if it was shorter it would be standing straight on my head. I comb it with my fingers as I sit down.

  “Don’t be so nervous. Your hair looks amazing, even when it’s all ruffled and bird nesty.” He smiles and takes off his coat to reveal a tight button down white shirt that hugs his broad shoulders and chest perfectly. He clears his throat and I look up. Yep, I was caught openly staring at this guy’s chest.

  “Sorry.” I’m glad the lights in this place are dimmed so he can’t see how red I’ve just turned.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad I caught you staring, means you appreciate what you’re looking at.” He chuckles and winks at me before holding my chair out for me to sit down.

  “Well Matt was right when he said you were good looking. I can’t deny that.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Not sure how I feel about Matt saying that. He’s constantly taking the piss out of me.” He chuckles and shakes his head.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second. He loves to torture me when we’re at work with a dirty joke at the most inappropriate time.”

  “That’s him alright, he’s always been like that and will never change. I can picture him in a nursing home teasing the male nurses.” We both burst out laughing and receive a glares from an older couple seated not too far away from us.

  “He would try to convert them all to his team.” I snicker.

  “He keeps trying with me.” He whispers loudly as the waitress brings us the menu.

  “Why does that not surprise me?” I grin and open my menu.

  “Because it’s Matt.” He shrugs.

  We sit in silence a few minutes choosing what we want to eat until the waitress comes back to take our drink order. He orders us a bottle of wine and our food. I settled on ravioli as it’s simple to eat and Spencer always tells me I eat like a pig.

  “So, Haven, what do you like to do in your free time?” He looks with an intense look on his face.

  “Well, the little free time I do have is spent with my best friend Spencer or Bernard, the man in my life.” I try not to laugh when I see the smile disappear from Vincent’s beautiful face.

  “Bernard? Man in your life? Matt told me you were single.” He looks at me confused.

  “I am. Bernard is my cat.” I grin innocently.

  “Looks like Matt is rubbing off on you.” He taunts.

  “I’m sorry. It was too tempting. I enjoy the normal things: concerts, movies, reading, cooking, and traveling, that kind of thing. What about you?” I smile.

  “You’re evil you know that, right?” He chuckles.

  “I’m an angel.” I grin and take a sip of my red wine the waitress has just poured for us.

“That’s up for debate.” He winks and takes a sip. “I love hiking, surfing, rafting, that kind of thing.”

  “Ah, extreme sports junkie?” I grin.

  “You could say that. I take it it’s not your thing?” He looks disappointed.

  “Not really. Sports and I don’t really agree. Spencer keeps trying to get me to join a gym, but I try to put it off as much as I can. I’m a klutz, I’d end up injuring myself.” I shrug.

  “That’s because you’re not doing it with the right person.” He smirks and I feel it deep in my tummy. What is this man doing to me?

  “Who knows? Maybe I need the right partner.” I smirk playfully back. Well done wine. You’re doing your job well!

  “Maybe we could try hiking sometime. Start with something quite tame.” He chuckles.

  “Isn’t it a bit cold to go frolicking in the mountains?” What have I gotten myself into?

  “Surprisingly, it’s actually the perfect weather for it. In the summer it’s too hot and makes it more difficult to hike. Cold weather is perfect and the views are breathtaking when the leaves change color.” Major swoon! Looks like I’m not the only fall lover.

  “You make it sound so appealing.”

  “It’s amazing, really.” He smiles and goes to grab my hand but our food is brought to us. Holy crap the portions are huge. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to eat all of this. Not because of my nerves which are much better thanks to the wine, but mainly because the portion could pretty much feed me for three days.

  As we dig in we make small talk and I learn that he's always wanted to be a trigonometry teacher, which made me frown and him laugh. His parents are still together and living the life of Riley in Florida. He's been engaged once but she broke the engagement a week before the wedding because she had doubts about their relationship. He lets me try his pizza and tries my ravioli. The conversation is comfortable and it feels like we’ve known each other for a lot longer than an hour. I’m completely at ease with Vincent, which is refreshing. He’s managed to make me feel at ease and myself with him, which is incredibly rare for me.