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Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Page 7

  We get the rest of our food to go because neither of us could finish our plate. We also order two cannoli to go. He’s been a perfect gentleman all evening, which is refreshing considering what I’m used to with how Adam used to treat me. He offers me his arm again and we walk back to my place, enjoying the peaceful evening.

  As we reach my building, I turn to him and ask nervously, “Do you want to come upstairs?”

  “I’d love that.” He smiles and opens the door for me. I don’t know why I asked him to come up, I’m not into having sex on the first date. I just hope I don’t ruin anything. When we get into the elevator, I press the button for the fourth floor and the silence on our way up is a bit awkward. I don’t know what kind of impression Vincent has of me because of this, maybe he thinks he’s going to get laid tonight. This is why I don’t date.

  “This is a lot more colorful than it looks on the outside.” Vincent chuckles noticing the different colored doors.

  “You could say that. I had the same reaction when I first walked in. It’s actually pretty nice here. I’m sure the doors have saved many a drunken person. They don’t need to remember a number, just a color.” I chuckle.

  “Smart idea.” He grins and leans against the wall as I fumble with the key. After a few tries I manage to get it in the whole. Pun not intended.

  “Stupid lock.” I mumble under my breath and hear Vincent chuckle behind me.

  “Happens to the best of us.” He smiles and sets the rest of my pasta in my fridge and the cannoli on the counter. “Still have room for some dessert?” He asks seductively.

  “Ah, uhm. Sure. I always have room for dessert.” I smile and grab two spoons. “Do you want some coffee? Or more wine?”

  “Coffee would be great.” I grab a plate for the cannoli’s and hand it to him before using my Keurig machine to make us coffee.

  “There you go.” I smile, setting the two mugs down on the counter as we sit at my breakfast island instead of on the couch.

  “Thank you.” He smiles and takes a spoonful of his cannoli. “How come you’re single? You’re a sweet, beautiful and funny. What’s the catch?”

  “Uh, Bernard?” I chuckle. “No, seriously, my ex cheated on me with my friend not long ago.” I shrug.

  “He’s an asshole.” Vincent doesn’t look impressed.

  “Who? Bernard?” I deadpan making Vincent laugh. I guess I can be funny sometimes. At least to myself.

  “Your ex. Where’s that infamous Bernard? Haven’t met him yet.” He asks and looks around.

  “Probably hiding somewhere.” I take a bite of my cannoli and try to refrain from moaning. I don’t want to give Vincent the wrong idea. I put down my fork and I go in search of Bernard, needing to give myself a couple of seconds away from him. If I’m not careful I’ll end up jumping him in my kitchen. Damn being a lightweight and sharing that bottle of wine. “There you go.” I find Bernard behind the couch and pick him up.

  “He’s cute.” Vincent responds and reaches out to pet him but Bernard hisses at him. “Okay he hates me. I hope it’s not a deal breaker if your cat hates me.”

  “Never thought of that.” I smile and shrug, letting Bernard down. Is it? Maybe it means that Vincent isn’t for me or am I looking too much into this and would use it as an excuse?

  “Well don’t think too much about it.” He chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist, bringing me flush to his side. He leans in, brushing his lips against my ear. I close my eyes, feeling this soft touch all the way down to my core. “If you don’t eat your cannoli, I will.” He whispers sensually before laughing at his own funniness.

  “You shouldn't mess with a woman's food or threaten to eat it.” I glare at him and take an angry bite of my cannoli. I was this close to giving in.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist and I needed to know how you felt about me. Think I have my answer.” He smirks.

  “Don’t get cocky. Cockiness is a big turn off.” I shrug and finish my cannoli in a couple of bites. It’s so good. Even if I now feel like I’m going to explode.

  “It’s not being cocky. I’m just messing with you.”

  “Sure, sure, they all say that.” I shake my head. I pick up my plate and take it to the sink to rinse it before Bernard has the chance to lick the cream.

  Thump. Thump. Moan.

  Oh. My. Fucking. God! They’re back at it again and when I have company. I’m mortified and annoyed all at the same time. The bastard can't keep it in his pants!

  “Nice neighbors.” Vincent snickers and walks closer to the hall wall to listen as the noises.

  “I wish this place came with a warning about the couple next door.” I sigh and try to make as much noise as I can, doing the little dishes I have, putting pans away, anything to cover up the noise.

  “I know a better way to cover up the sounds instead of you banging on pots.” He smirks stopping me in my tracks.

  “What?” I turn my head and find that our lips an inch from each other.

  “How about we give him some competition?” He smirks wrapping his arm around me, as more moaning and thumping resonates from next door. “I’m sure we can do better.”

  “You’re not suggesting we fuck just for the sake of outdoing them?” I raise my eyebrow at him and escape his hold.

  “Oh come on, it could be fun. We get along pretty well and you’re not immune to my charm. I know you want me.” He smirks and closes the distance between us, wrapping his other arm around me.

  “I get along with Matt too, but I don’t ask him to fuck me on my desk when it’s just the two of us.” I lean away from him.

  “Matt is gay. That doesn’t count.” He chuckles.

  “Vincent, let go of me.” I try to put as much strength in my voice without sounding like a total bitch.

  “You’re not a prude and we’re consenting adults. Why is it a problem all of a sudden?” He dares to look confused.

  “I’m not consenting, Vincent. I don’t want to fuck you and no I’m not a prude but I need to have feelings before I have sex with someone. And right now, the only thing I feel towards you is disgust. So please, let go of me and get yourself out of my apartment and my life. I don’t know what you were expecting out of tonight but you’re not getting it from me.” I push him and finally he lets go of me and moves away.

  “I thought you wanted the same thing. I mean you flirted back and were touching my arm and you clearly weren’t opposed to getting some action a few minutes ago when I whispered in your ear.” He looks completely dumbfounded.

  “There’s a different between enjoying the moment and skipping a few steps.”

  “I’ll let myself out. Goodnight.” He glares at me and walks out. The fucking nerve of him! He doesn’t even apologize before slamming the front door shut. Well that went well. I sigh and walk to the front door, locking it behind that perverted bastard.

  I walk back to the kitchen and clean up before brushing my teeth and removing my make up in the bathroom. I change into an oversized shirt and grab my iPod, not wanting to have a repeat of the other night. Before setting my alarm for tomorrow I shoot a quick text to Matt.

  Me: Thanks for sending me on a date with a pervert! He thought he was going to get laid at the end of the night. See you in the morning. Loser. <3

  Matt: I’ll kick his ass next time I see him. Sorry Gorgeous. I didn’t think he'd be a dick. Love you too lol. See you in the morning! <3

  I smile and put the do not disturb mode on my phone and settle in bed for the night. As much as I hate that he was getting too handsy, it’s opened my eyes to the fact that at this point in my life, I don’t want a lover but a partner. I have a job I love, even though it can be frustrating at times, I have amazing friends and a beautiful apartment to live in. My life could be worse. I fall asleep that night dreaming of a faceless man who sweeps me off my feet.


  Friday Night

  Thank God it’s Friday!

  This week has dragged. Work hasn’t been that in
teresting but I guess you can’t meet up and coming rock bands every day. At least next week I’m covering the tattoo convention taking place in our beautiful city; that should make for a very interesting and fun day. I’ve been given two passes so I’ll ask Spencer to come with me. He’s a tattoo expert so he should be able to give me pointers on how to not look like a total spaz amongst people who are covered in ink. I don’t want to ask the wrong question and offend anyone.

  Matt gave me jokey hell today about the date last night. Vincent had called him first thing this morning complaining that I was a prude and a tease. Apparently because I invited him in, I was obviously interested in having sex with him. I had to explain more than once that it wasn’t like that. Matt still thinks I’m a prude and was highly amused by my neighbor’s performances who is no longer a fat balding man but a young stud fucking MILFs in his opinion. Either way, I’m disturbed by the noise and am tempted to go next door to get them to quiet down or soundproof the place so they can be as loud as they wants without me hearing a damn thing.

  Tonight is mine and Spencer’s movie night and luckily no healthy food is allowed. Thank fuck. I’m ready to eat my weight in sugar and carbs. To say I’m excited is putting it mildly and not just for the food. I’m excited to catch up with Spence. I miss him.

  I squeal and jump up when I hear my intercom buzzer go off. I rush to the phone to let him in, slipping on my way there. Definitely not a good idea to wear fuzzy socks on hardwood floors.

  “Hiya, bitch!” I chuckle.

  “Did you start the Tequila without me?” Spencer questions and leans closer to the camera.

  “No, just excited to see you. Come up.” I hang up and press the button to open the door before he can say anything else and bounce excitedly to my front door.

  I don’t have to wait long for Spencer to get here. He probably ran up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. I open the door before he gets the change to knock and hug him. Well, more like I tackle him and hope that he’ll keep his balance.

  “Are you sure you’re not drunk?” He chuckles and kisses my head.

  “Yes I’m sure. I thought I was going to go insane if you took any longer to get here.” I pout.

  “Brat. You knew I was bringing the food. That’s the real reason you’re so excited to see me.” He shakes his head and sets the food on the counter. I internally squeal with delight as I see that he has two big bags filled to the brim with food.

  “You know me too well, but I’m happy to see you. It still feels weird not seeing you every day.” I shrug and look through the bags, immediately spotting the ice cream amongst a mountain of healthy-ish snacks. I'll let it go this time as he brought my favorite ice cream. I take it and put it in the freezer.

  “I missed you too.” He smiles at me fondly. “So what’s new in Haven’s crazy world?” He chuckles and takes in my outfit. “Good thing I’m not into you or I’d jump you right now.” He raises his eyebrow.

  “What? It’s comfortable.” I look down at myself.

  “I’m sure it is. Tight shorts that show half your ass and tight tank top. Again, good thing I’m not into you.” He grabs his backpack and smacks my ass as he disappears into the bathroom.

  “Stop it with my ass!” I shake my head and dish up our food. I love Spencer, even more so now because he brought me one of my favorite dinners; a bacon cheeseburger from Park Burger Highlands. “I love you Spencer,” I shout and take our plates to the couch. I’ve already set everything up for us to have a quiet night in.

  “Only because I brought you a burger.” He walks towards me in just his grey sweatpants that are once again riding low on his hips, showing off that damn V of his. If only we were attracted to each other, it would be so much easier. I already feel comfortable around Spencer, we know everything about each other and when I do or say the dumbest things he never holds it against me. Sure he’ll make fun of me but it’s never in a mean way.

  “That too.” I grin innocently and dig into my burger as he sits down next to me.

  “I know you too well.” He elbows me gently and smiles.

  “That you do,” I say around a mouthful if burger.

  “And that’s why I’m not attracted to you,” he says as he points to my mouth. “You eat like a pig when it’s just the two of us.” He laughs and passes me napkins.

  “I do not! How am I supposed to eat in a lady like way when the burger is bigger than my face?”

  “Layers?” He looks at me with wide eyes.

  “Where’s the fun in that? You can’t break the burger!” I exclaim as I take another bite.

  “You weirdo. How was your week?”

  I swallow before answering this time. “Work wise, boring. Besides researching for the interview with the fashion designer I told you about not much happened.” I shrug.

  “You’ll do a good job, I believe in you, Have.” He smiles. “How about your love life? Has there been any action in your granny panties?” He snickers and takes a bite of his burger.

  “I don’t wear granny panties. You dick! No th-”

  “You and my dick again. Haven, this is starting to become an obsession.” He chuckles, cutting me off.

  “You’re so full of yourself. I bet you have a nippledick.” I snicker.

  “What the fuck is a nippledick?” He looks at me confused.

  “A tiny one. Matt’s words not mine.”

  “Well, considering you always complain that you can see it in these, you know it’s anything but tiny so shut up with that, but I do knew a few people who do suffer with that affliction.” He chuckles.

  “Gross.” I frown and take another bite.

  “You started the dick talk. So? Did he have a nippledick?” He laughs sounding proud of himself.

  “He probably did. We never got to that part.” I shrug.

  “Why not? Did you want it?”

  “The evening went well. He was a nice guy and a gentleman. We took dessert to go and I invited him in for coffee, nothing else. He started to flirt and I flirted back, well that’s what he said. Anyway, we had the cannoli and then the neighbors started their fuckfest and were loud again so he offered to outdo them and started to get real handsy and wouldn’t let me go so I to-”

  “Where does he live? I’m going to fucking cut his dick off!” I rarely see Spencer pissed, but he is more than a little mad right now.

  “I kicked him out before he could do anything. He told Matt that I was tease because I had flirted with him all night and had apparently wanted it as much as he did only to turn him down at the last minute.” I sigh.

  “It’s good that you kicked him out. I’m proud of you for sticking up for yourself. Next time I’ll do a background check on your date. If he has the tiniest shadow he’s out of the picture,” he says with finality.

  “And I’m dying alone as an old lady with her army of cats.” I sigh and take another bite.

  “I won’t let you die alone. Who knows, maybe it’s in the cards for us to fall madly in love and end up together.”

  “How easy would that be? We already know everything about each other. Dating would be a lot less stressful but it would be so fucking weird when it’d come to kissing and sex.” I physically shudder.

  “Thank you for the shudder. Appreciate that.” He chuckles.

  “Don’t get me wrong, you’re HOT, perfect body, face, dick,” He shakes his head at me. “but you’re also like a brother to me, which would make it really awkward, don’t you think?”

  “You’re right. It’d be too awkward.” He leans towards me and kisses my head.

  “Me too. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”

  “Let’s not think about that. Let’s just enjoy our lives to the fullest and find you a guy who’ll get rid of all those cobwebs between your legs.” He snickers and I smack his arm.

  “Dickhead.” I glare at him and steal some of his sweet potato fries.

  “Don’t insult me and steal my food.” He chuckles and steal
s some of my regular fries.

  “You love me.”

  “Well, we’ve already established that we’re madly in love but can’t be together because it’d be too awkward.” He sighs dramatically.

  “We’ll find you someone too.”

  “Or we’ll both die old in a cabin by the lake surrounded by cats.” He chortles and hugs me.

  “That doesn’t sound too bad actually.” I grin and cuddle into him.

  “I know.” I can feel his smile as he rests his head on mine.

  In a perfect world, Spencer and I would be attracted to each other but this world is far from perfect. As long as I have Spencer in my life, things will be fine.

  Thump. Moan. Thumb. Moan. Moan. Moan. Scream? That’s a new one.

  Spencer and I look at each other and he bursts out laughing.

  “See what I have to deal with? I thought the other night was bad but they are in top form tonight. We can actually hear them from in here!” I make a gagging sound.

  “Prude.” He chuckles.

  “I’m not a prude! Stop saying that, for fuck’s sake. Just because I don’t fuck everything that has a dick means that I’m a prude.” I shake my head and go to get up but Spencer holds me back.

  “Maybe Nippledick was onto something.” He looks at me with mischievous grin on his face.

  “Uh oh, what are you up to Spencer?” I look at him actually worried about what’s going through his mind.

  “Well, Nippledick said something about outdoing them. I get that you didn’t want to do it with him but how about with me?” He smirks.

  “What?” I screech which probably scared the neighbors a little because the noises stop.

  “Not so loud.” He chuckles. “I’m not saying we have to have sex. We can just fake it. Make noise and what not.” He shrugs. “At least they’d know you’re getting some too and then they’d maybe shut up?”

  “I can’t believe you want to make me do this.” I shake my head in disbelief.