Love At First Glance (Love At Firsts Book 1) Read online

Page 13

  “Yeah, I’d have hated it too.” Is all Spencer says.

  “When you two will stop trying to guess who has the biggest one…” I shake my head.

  “Me obviously.” Spencer chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulder before giving a final glare to Valentine and steering me out of the building.

  “What was that all about?” I question him as we walk out and then stumble upon Adam. I groan loudly at the sight of him. “What are you doing here?” I almost yell.

  “Woah, someone didn’t get fucked properly, or are you still not having sex because of your weight?”

  “You motherfucker.” Spencer growls and I have to hold back a very pissed off Spencer before he punches Adam. Any other time I would let him do it, but across the street are a couple of cops looking in our direction. I point them out to Spencer and he calms down.

  “You know that I wasn’t having sex with you for very different reasons, it had nothing to do with my weight. It was because of your nippledick. I could never feel it and I lost interest. It’s not like there was much to see and you couldn’t use it properly either so.” I shrug and see Adam turn a nice shade of red.

  “What are you doing here dipshit?” Spencer asks as he pats my ass to congratulate me for standing up for myself.

  “You’re a fucking bitch. I hope you live a miserable life. You don’t deserve any happiness.” Adam spits at me.

  “What have I done now? You’re the one who cheated on me and got caught!” I exclaim, I’m getting pissed now.

  “You left me!” He yells, catching everyone’s attention.

  “Way to go girl, you upgraded that’s for sure.” An older woman who was walking by calls out to me.

  “Thanks.” I grin at her and turn back to Adam. “You see, I’m very happy. I have the people I love around me and the people who were causing me stress out of my life. I’ve never been this happy in my life. Ever since that Monday, my life turned out to be pretty freaking amazing. I thought I was ruined when I lost my job and you, but it turns out that it was the beginning of my new happy life. So, maybe, I should actually thank you for doing me such a favor.” I beam realizing it's all true.

  “You’re going to regret this.” Adam sneers.

  “Oh really? And what are you going to do?” I taunt him even though it’s probably a stupid thing to do.

  “You’ll see.” He smirks evilly whilst looking between Spencer and I. “You’ll see.” He repeats creepily and walks away.

  “What the fuck was that?” Spencer shouts, not at all happy with the situation.

  “Thank you for letting me stand up for myself.” I squeeze his hand.

  “No worries, I never trusted that guy but fuck, he’s even creepier than before.” Spencer looks worried.

  “That he is.”

  “Are you okay?” He looks at me, concern marring his handsome face.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m glad I could give him some shit for what he’s done for me.”

  “I’m glad you did too. I don’t want you to be on your own though. I don’t trust him one bit.” He sighs.

  “I’ll be okay. I’m rarely on my own except on my way to and from work, but there are loads of people walking on the streets at those times.”

  “You're walking home from work?” He wraps his arm around my shoulder again and we walk to his car.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I’ll call Matt and see if he can drop you off for at least for a couple of days,” he says with finality and I’m not about to argue with him.

  “Why not you?” I pout and grin when he smiles at me.

  “Because I’m taking evening classes starting this week.” He kisses my head and opens the car door for me.

  “What kind of classes?” I question as he gets in the car.

  “I told you I wanted to change my life and you know I change jobs a lot, so I figured I could pick up a few classes and see if I could expand my horizons.” He shrugs and starts driving.

  “Not telling me what you’re going to do? Stripping? Are you taking pole dance classes?” I giggle like a schoolgirl much to his despair.

  “No, you cheeky little shit.” He chuckles. “I’m taking photography classes.”

  “That’s awesome.” I smile happy for him. “Why photography though?” I ask.

  “One of us needs to be able to take good pictures for our road trip.” He winks at me.

  “That’s the only reason?” I chuckle excited that we’re talking about the road trip again.

  “No. There are so many events happening in Denver and the surrounding areas that I figured it could be a good thing. Maybe I could work for a magazine or something.” He shrugs.

  “Are you trying to ask me to get you a job as a photographer at the magazine?”

  “No, but if there’s an opening let me know.” He smiles. “I’ve been taking the classes for a while actually. The more technical aspect starts next week. We’re going to go to different places to take pictures and all that kind of fun stuff.”

  “I’m proud of you Spencer.” I place my hand on his thigh and he grabs it, pulling it up to his mouth to kiss it.

  “You have no idea how much it means to me to hear that.” He places my hand back on his thigh and I leave it there.

  We spend the day thrift shopping and chatting. Despite the encounter with Adam this morning, today has been pretty perfect. I found all of the clothes I wanted and managed to find a new coffee table that we are now struggling to carry from the car to my building.

  “It’s never going to work.” I sigh, admitting defeat.

  “It will, it just needs some lube.” Spencer snickers at his joke.

  “Trust you to make sexual jokes about my new furniture.” I shake my head and sit on the table waiting for Spencer to come up with a way to get it inside.

  “Always make sexual jokes.” He smiles but then groans when he sees Valentine walking out of the building with a beautifully fake brunette.

  “Will you stop? You’re worse than a kid. Hey, Val.” I grin.

  “Val?” Spencer raises his eyebrow at me.

  “It’s shorter.” I shrug.

  “Angel of love my ass, angel of one night stands.” Spencer mumbles and I can’t help but giggle.

  “What was that?” The brunette asks.

  “Nothing.” Spencer gives her a fake smile and I completely lose it. I burst out laughing which causes the brunette to look confused and stare blankly at all of us which then makes me laugh even harder.

  “Are they making fun of me?” she asks Valentine.

  “No, he just thinks he’s funny and her being the good friend she is, is laughing at all of his jokes so she doesn’t damage his ego,” Valentine says smirking. “I’ll call you later.” He quickly kisses the brunette and puts her in a cab.

  “Is he right?” Spencer looks at me with a horrified expression on his face.

  “Of course not. Stop acting like a big baby.”

  “Can’t believe you think he’s a nice guy. He’s a douchebag.” Spencer grumbles.

  “The douchebag heard you and was just messing with you to shut the fake bimbo up. Nice body but nothing up here.” He taps his temple.

  “Can’t be worse than the blonde who believed me when I said there was a ghost in the elevator.” I scoff.

  “Do you know that she refuses to come back here? If I want to see her I have to go to her place.” He laughs.

  “Seriously?” I laugh but stop when I see Spencer’s expression. “Relax. It was funny.” I shrug.

  “Not the reason I’m pissed.” He sighs and rubs his face.

  “What’s the problem?” Valentine asks.

  “With what? The table or you?” Spencer asks him, squaring his shoulders.

  “The table. We can settle our problem later on,” Valentine replies sizing Spencer up.

  “Won’t fit through the door.”

  “Of course it won’t if she thinks she’s Cleopatra and needs to be carried inside like that.” Vale
ntine chuckles.

  “Hey! I’m just as important as Cleopatra in my own little bubble. Don’t burst it. I was taking a break, this thing is fucking heavy.”

  “Leave that to the men.” Valentine glares at me and motions for me to move with his head.

  “Pussies.” I mumble under my breath and get up.

  They pick the right angle to move the table and carry it inside with ease. I was struggling to even lift it an inch off the ground. They take the table into the elevator with them and I head towards the stairs, as there’s no way another person could fit. I just hope they won’t try to kill each other in the twenty seconds it takes to reach my floor.

  I get there before them and lean against the wall, trying to catch my breath as the elevator doors open. I look between them and while they both look upset, it seems that a little bit of peace has been restored, thank God.

  I open the door to my place and they switch the tables around. Poor Bernard, he’s clearly not impressed by the new glass and metal frame table or with Valentine’s presence. He, again, hisses at him and scurries away.

  “I don’t know why your cat hates me. I'm good with pussies usually.” He chuckles.

  “Men…” I walk into the kitchen and get myself a bottle of water before offering one to the two men.


  The Next Day

  I wake with a start after hearing a loud noise coming from the kitchen. I groan thinking that Spencer has dropped something, but after a quick look at the clock, I know he would have left for work a couple hours ago.

  I sit up quickly as I realize that the source of the noise could be Bernard getting into some kind of trouble. But as my eyes wake up, I see him sitting by the door, clearly disturbed by the noise as well. Okay, now I’m getting worried and I have no idea what to do. If it’s a robber I could lock myself in the bathroom and call someone or I could go out and confront the person. If only I had a weapon or at least a baseball bat. I sigh to myself and decide to go and confront the fucker as I pick up the next best thing, a long metal flashlight.

  I tiptoe to the door and open it as quietly as I can. I peek through the crack in the door trying to see if I can see anyone, but there’s no one there. I do see that one of my plants has been knocked over and there is soil everywhere. The plant was on a small table against the wall so there’s no way it could have fallen on its own.

  “Morning, Haven.” I hear from the living room. Shit, I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

  “Adam. What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand and take a step forward.

  “Can’t I visit my girlfriend?” As he walks towards me I get a good look at him, his eyes are red and drunk, he looks crazed.

  “Ex-girlfriend. We broke up weeks ago.” I hold the flashlight up in an attempt to stop him from coming any closer.

  “You broke up with me but I never broke up with you. I want us together.” He smirks when he sees the flashlight and gets a gun out of his pocket. Oh, shit!

  “It takes two consenting people for a relationship. I don’t want anything to do with you, not anymore Adam.”

  “Shut up, you whore! Nobody asked for your opinion!” He shouts and charges at me. I don’t have time to react as he backhands me, knocking me down on the ground. I hold my soon-to-be bruised cheek, trying to regain my composure and come up with a plan or at least something that could give me the upper hand, but I'm struggling to think straight. My breath is ragged, I'm starting to shake and my vision is starting to blur. I can feel a panic attack coming. I try to focus and block out everything around me but my hesitation gives him enough time to grab me by the throat and push me towards my bedroom before throwing me on the bed. “I’ll be the one deciding if we’re in a relationship or not. You hear me, you bitch!” He yells and uses his body to pin me into the bed. He covers my mouth with his hand and I try to struggle against him but he’s too heavy. “I’m taking back what’s mine and erasing any memory of your little boyfriend. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t want to be with anyone else ever again. You ruined my life when you dumped me! I fucking loved you and you threw what we had away, I lost Cassidy and I lost my job! It’s all your fault, you fucking bitch. Yesterday I told you that you would be paying for what you did.” He smirks at me and tries to undo his pants. I take the opportunity to scream whilst he is preoccupied. God, I hope Valentine is home.

  “Help.” I scream as loud as I can, over and over.

  “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” He slaps me with each word and I’m slowly losing hope that I can get out of this situation unscathed. My tears are falling freely down my cheek and I'm gasping for air as the realization of what's about to happen hits me. This can't be happening. I struggle as best as I can, trying to kick him off of me, but all my attempts are in vain.

  Less than two seconds later I hear a loud crash and the sound of running footsteps. I don’t think Adam has the time to realize what’s happening when he’s thrown off me by a very pissed off Valentine.

  “You good?” Valentine half growls at me. I nod and he quickly turns to Adam before punching him and knocking him out. He grabs my phone and walks to the living room, dragging an unconscious Adam behind him.

  I figured Adam would try to do something stupid after his threats yesterday, but I never imagined he would try to do something like this. Thank fuck Valentine was home.

  I sit with my back against the headboard, wrapping my arms around my knees and silent tears fall down my cheeks.

  I don’t know how much times passes but next thing I know is Spencer walking in and picking me up before sitting back on my bed with me in his lap. He’s beyond furious. I can feel him shaking with rage underneath me and I lose it as the tears start to fall uncontrollably.

  “I’m here, Love. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to protect you from that asshole.” He kisses my head fiercely and I can hear the sadness in his voice.

  “I-I’m okay,” I say with a shaky voice.

  “No you’re not.” He looks at me intently.

  “I will be, Valentine got here before Adam got the opportunity to do anything.”

  “He hurt you.” He whispers sadly and brushes his fingers over my bruised cheeks. “That sick mother fucker! Give me two minutes. I’ll be right back. Plug your ears or listen to music. I don’t want you to listen to this.” He tells me as he lifts me off his lap and places me on the bed.

  “W-What are you going to do?” I look at him, worried that he’s going to do something stupid.

  “Something I should have done when I first saw him.” He kisses my head and hands me my iPod. I comply and put on my headphones, turning the volume up as loud as it can go. I have a pretty good idea of what he’s going to do and I don’t want to hear any of it.

  The door opens a few minutes later, Spencer walks back in and immediately climbs into bed with me pulling me against his body with Valentine following not far behind him.

  “Th…Thank you Val. I don’t know what wo-”

  “Don’t. I know. I’m just glad I was home to hear you scream. Take good care of her and I’ll be home all day if you need me. Just gotta take out the trash.” He gives a knowing look to Spencer who nods back at him.

  “Okay?” My eyes go back and forth between the two of them, hoping one of them will explain.

  “It’s alright.” Spencer kisses the top of my head and cuddles me as I hear Valentine closing the door and disappearing into the living room.

  “You beat him up.”

  “Don’t ask what you don’t want to know, Have,” he says softly.

  “I wasn’t asking. I’m not that stupid.” I glare at him.

  “I know you’re not. How do you feel?” he asks and frowns as he inspects my cheeks.

  “I’ll be okay. I was lucky.” I sigh and cuddle into him, needing to be as close to him as possible.

  “Yes, you were, it’s the first time I was glad to see Valentine in your apartment.” He chuckles nervously.

  “You don’t say.” I kiss hi
s chest and lay my head over his heart. It doesn’t take long before his heartbeat lulls me to sleep.

  The Next Day

  The next day Spencer insisted on driving me to work and even walked me into the office much to my embarrassment.

  “Stop being such a baby. I'm not leaving you on your own. Valentine and I might have handled Adam's sorry ass, but that doesn't mean shit. You never know what the fucker might try next,” he says with a tone of finality in his voice.

  “Alright!” I groan.

  “You know I just want to protect you and make sure nothing bad happens to you.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it. More than I show.” I squeeze his arm.

  “That's better.” He kisses my head and walks me out of the elevator.

  “Can you go now? I feel like I'm the petulant kid who has to have their parent walk them to their desk so they don’t make a run for freedom,” I plead with him.

  “Okay, I can do that for you. And I know you were a little shit and you did that when you were little. Don't play innocent with me, Missy, I’ve known you for too long.” He grins.

  “Only because you instigated it.” He goes to open his mouth but I cut him off. “Don't deny it, you know damn well you're the one who suggested we go skip school and go to the park.”

  “Could have worked.” He holds his hands up.

  “Yeah. Could have, if only Martha hadn’t have rat us out.” I frown.

  “Good times.” He chuckles. “Go on, before they come out looking for you.” He kisses my cheek and hugs me. I return his hug and he walks back in the elevator, waving creepily at me until the doors close.

  I take a deep breath and walk into the office, hoping they won't notice, but knowing damn well that it’s going to be hard to hide the evidence. “What the fuck happened to you!?” Matt exclaims. So much for hiding what happened.

  “Long story.” I sigh and sit at my desk. I managed to cover the bruises but there wasn’t much I could do about the swelling. I look like a hamster who’s shoved too much food into their cheeks.